Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden
Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden
Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden
Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden
Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden
Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden
Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden

Four figures landscape paintings - Mori Tetsuzan(1775-1841) - Japan - Midten af Edo-perioden





Kunstner: Mori Tetsuzan森徹山 (1775-1841), en berømt maler i den sene Edo-periode, med speciale i landskabsmaleri og dyremaleri, hans onkel var den berømte dyremaler Mori Sosen, og senere blev han elev af den berømte maler Enzan Okyo. Mange museer rundt om i verden har hans værker, såsom Tokyo National Museum, Boston Art Museum og så videre. Trækassen bærer stemplet af en samler kaldet "Kamimura". Skafthoved mangler. Lidt aldersslid. Mellemstørrelse: 120-50,5 cm overmål: 206-64,5 cm cm Vi anvender en sikker og sikker transportform, og har tilknyttet forsikring, omhyggelig emballering og god eftersalgsservice!

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Mori Tetsuzan Four Figures Landscape Paintings

This set of four figures landscape paintings is a beautiful example of the work of Mori Tetsuzan, a renowned artist of the late Edo period. Tetsuzan specialized in landscape and animal painting and was greatly influenced by his uncle, the famous animal painter Mori Sosen, and later by the renowned artist Enzan Okyo. His works are found in many museums around the world, including the Tokyo National Museum and the Boston Art Museum. This particular set of paintings is in good condition despite some age-related wear and tear. The scroll bears the stamp of a collector named “Kamimura,” and is unfortunately missing the head of the scroll rod. This set of paintings is a treasure for any collector of Japanese art. It includes a comprehensive description of the artwork, its dimensions, and details about the artist.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 120 x 50,5 cm
mål: 206 x 64,5 cm
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