Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua  (Ingen mindstepris)
Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua  (Ingen mindstepris)
Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua  (Ingen mindstepris)
Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua  (Ingen mindstepris)
Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua  (Ingen mindstepris)
Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua  (Ingen mindstepris)
Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua  (Ingen mindstepris)

Initiationspanel - 130 cm - ny guinea - yamate - Kamoro folk - Vest Papua (Ingen mindstepris)

15 EUR


Rød, Brun, Hvid, Grå


Unikt panel med tegnelignende blomstermotiver. For Farver folk brugte rødder og blade på et hvidbaseret kridtlag Velkommen tilføjelse til enhver samling af tribal New Guinea kunst/havkunst Vi pakker sikkert forsendelse til hele verden Sælges af Koos Knol, etnograf og antropolog, forhandler af Papua Tribal Art i mere end 30 år, ekspert og forfatter til bogen "Papua Blues", skrevet på hollandsk. (Måske på engelsk næste år.) Udgivet i slutningen af oktober 2024 En bog om indre historier, en bog, der omhandler de mange møder med særlige mennesker i Vestpapua, de imponerende oplevelser, forfatteren har, om særlige møder med mænd og kvinder, der fortæller ham om hemmelige ting, om etnografiske genstande og indvier ham i ritualer og ceremonier. Et must have for samlere, etnografer, etnologer, antropologer og museer Google: Papua Blues Koos Knol

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Initiation Panel 130cm New Guinea Yamate Kamoro Folk

This unique initiation panel is a stunning piece of tribal art from the Yamate Kamoro people of West Papua. Standing at an impressive 130cm, the panel features striking geometric designs and flower motifs. The vibrant colours used were traditionally obtained from natural sources such as roots and leaves and were applied on a white-based chalk layer. The panel is a testament to the artistry and craftsmanship of the Kamoro people and would be a valuable addition to any collection of tribal art. This item is carefully packaged and shipped worldwide. The seller is Koos Knol, an ethnographer and anthropologist, who has dealt with Papua Tribal Art for more than 30 years. He is an expert and the author of the book "Papua Blues", written in Dutch (and potentially in English next year). To be published in late October 2024. "Papua Blues" is a captivating book filled with intimate stories and details of the many encounters with remarkable people in West Papua. It delves into the author's impressive experiences and special encounters with men and women who revealed to him secret things, including ethnographic objects, and initiated him in rituals and ceremonies. It is a must-have for collectors, ethnographers, ethnologists, anthropologists and museums. Google: Papua Blues Koos Knol

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