Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento
Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento
Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento
Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento
Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento
Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento
Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento

Mirko Morelli (1953) - Piscine naturali Torre dell'Orso Salento

175 EUR


Blå, Grøn, Brun


Morelli en maler, der henter sine højeste inspirationer fra den majestætiske enkelhed i den naturlige verden, i dens hemmeligheder, i dens vibrationer. HAVET, kaldet af dets skønhed, dets gennemsigtige vand, af vinden, af parfumerne, af stilhederne. Naturen, der tilbyder sig selv i sit sandeste udtryk, lader sig beundre af dem, der har lært at se, men også gør sig elsket af dem, der kun kan se og stadig forstyrres af den. Det var umuligt for Morelli ikke at blive forelsket i havet, dets vind, dets rene tinder, dets stille bugter, dets lugt. Og den første kontakt var nok til, at en idé spirede i ham, til at give havet et tegn på hans taknemmelighed for de fornemmelser, som disse fortryllende landskaber havde givet ham, og som altid vil forblive i hans sjæl

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Mirko Morelli Natural Pools Torre dell'Orso Salento Painting

Mirko Morelli is a painter who draws his highest inspirations from the majestic simplicity of the natural world, its secrets, its vibrations. THE SEA, called by its beauty, its transparent waters, by the wind, by the perfumes, by the silences. Nature, offering itself in its truest expression, allows itself to be admired by those who have learned to see, but also makes itself beloved by those who can only see and are still disturbed by it. It was impossible for Morelli not to fall in love with the sea, its wind, its clean peaks, its quiet coves, its smell. And the first contact was enough for an idea to sprout in him, to give the sea a sign of his gratitude for the sensations that these enchanting landscapes had given him, and which will always remain in his soul. This painting is an acrylic on canvas, and features the beautiful turquoise waters of the Natural Pools of Torre dell'Orso, in Salento, Italy. The painting captures the essence of the sea, with its shimmering light, its clear water, and its natural beauty. It is a beautiful piece of art that would add a touch of elegance to any home.

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