Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found
Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found
Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found
Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found
Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found
Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found
Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found

Evelina Vine (XX-XXI) - Paradise found

20 EUR


46 x 61 cm
Rød, Blå, Grøn, Gul, Orange, Lilla, Hvid


Dette fantastiske kunstværk er en fascinerende kreation af den berømte kunstner Evelina Vine. Maleriet er et originalt stykke, produceret i 2024 og signeret af kunstneren. Maleriets livlige og abstrakte stil er en fryd for øjet og vil tilføje et strejf af klasse til ethvert rum, det pryder. Maleriet er en smuk blanding af oliefarver, der bringer essensen af motivet frem, som er blomster. Maleriets størrelse på 46 cm x 61 cm gør det til et praktisk valg til ethvert udstillingsområde. Maleri lavet med olier og teksturmedium på et dybt lærred, malet rundt om siderne Siderne er malet hvide Højkvalitets oliemaling Malet med paletkniv Lakeret for beskyttelse og holdbarhed Ægthedsbevis medfølger Maleriet er signeret på for- og bagside Maleriet vil blive pakket omhyggeligt og sendt med en sporingskode Størrelse: 46 x 61 cm Dybde: 3 cm Om Evelina Vine Art Evelina Vine er en britisk kunstner baseret i det sydlige England. Hun er kendt for sin blomsterkunst og abstrakt kunst. Hun bor ved havet og maler stemningsfulde himmelstrøg og lyse scener, inspireret af sine omgivelser, som ligger tæt på kyst og natur. Hun arbejder mest i olier og maler med en paletkniv for at tilføje dybde og tekstur. Evelina Vines arbejde kan findes i talrige samlinger både i Storbritannien og i udlandet Sidste udstilling: Parallax Art Fair 2023 i Kensington, London.

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Evelina Vine Paradise Found Floral Painting

This stunning artwork is a captivating creation by the renowned artist Evelina Vine. The painting is an original piece, produced in 2024 and signed by the artist. Its vibrant and abstract style is a joy to behold and will add a touch of class to any room it adorns. The painting is a beautiful blend of oil paints, bringing forth the essence of the motif, which is flowers. The painting's size of 46 cm x 61 cm makes it a practical choice for any display area. This breathtaking painting evokes a sense of tranquility and natural beauty with its captivating floral subject matter and vibrant hues. The piece is a perfect addition to any art collection or as a special gift for an art enthusiast. Key Features: - Deep canvas - Painted around the sides - Sides are painted white - High-quality oil paint - Painted with a palette knife - Varnished for protection and durability - Certificate of Authenticity included - The painting is signed on the front and back - The painting will be carefully packed and sent with a tracking code Dimensions: - Size: 46 cm x 61 cm - Depth: 3 cm About Evelina Vine Art Evelina Vine is a British artist based in Southern England. She is known for her floral and abstract art. She lives by the sea and paints atmospheric landscapes and vibrant scenes, inspired by her surroundings which are close to the coast and natural beauty. She works mainly in oils and paints with a palette knife to add depth and texture. Evelina Vine's work can be found in numerous collections both in the UK and abroad. Latest exhibition: Parallax Art Fair 2023 in Kensington, London.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 46 x 61 cm
mål: 46 x 61 x 3 cm
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