Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas
Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas

Francisco de Goya (1746-1828) after - Caprichos Blatt #50: Los chinchillas

10 EUR


300 x 200 mm


Francisco José De Goya y Lucientes (1746-1828). Originalt kobbertryksark nr. 50 af "Caprichos". "Los chinchillaer" Ætsning, poleret akvatint Verlag Hugo Schmidt München, 1922 (udgave i dybtryk) Oplag på 500, her fra nummereret stik - kopi #117 (se foto). Tekstsider med bevis for raderingens oprindelse sendes som kopi. Kobbertryk i god stand Arkstørrelse: 300 mm x 200 mm Billedstørrelse: 173 mm x 123 mm Ark #50: Goyas legemliggørelse af de ubrugelige adelsmænd som chinchillaer, hvis sind er låst med hængelåse. De blinde ser ikke, hvem de fodrer.

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Francisco Goya Los Chinchillas Etching Print

Original copperplate print sheet no. 50 from "Caprichos". "The Chinchillas" Etching, polished aquatint Verlag Hugo Schmidt Munich, 1922 (deep print edition). Edition of 500, this is from the numbered plate - copy #117 (see photo). Text pages with proof of etching origin sent as copy. Copperprint in good condition Sheet size: 300mm x 200mm Image size: 173mm x 123mm Sheet #50: Goya's embodiment of the useless nobles as chinchillas, whose minds are locked with padlocks. The blind do not see who they are feeding.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 300 x 200 mm
mål: 173 x 123 mm
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