[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867
[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867
[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867
[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867
[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867
[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867
[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867

[Oosterschelde Engineering] - Ten works on the construction of the Sloe- and the Kreekrakdam - 1867

30 EUR




Ti værker om konstruktionen af Sloe- og Kreekrakdam, bundtet sammen i blindstemplet klæde: (1) Barrages de l'Escaut Oriental et du Sloe. Chambre des Représentants, session de 1866-67, no. 89. 38 s., med foldet kort. (2) G.G. Vreede. Examen de la spørgsmål Barrage de l'Escaut Oriental. Utrecht, J.G. Broese, 1867. 50 s. (3) J.W. van Lansberge. En propos du barrage de l'Escaut. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1867. 24 s. (4) [belgisk diplomat]. Du barrage de l'Escaut Oriental et du Sloe au point de vue des traités et des faits. (Reponse a Van Lansberge.) Bruxelles, Th. Lesigne, 1867. 38 s. (5) [hollandsk folketingsmedlem]. Le barrage de l'Escaut Oriental. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1867. 20 s. (6) A.R. Blommendal. Des barrages de l'Escaut Oriental et du Sloe au point de vue teknik. La Haye, C. van Doorn, 1867. 84 s. (7) Svar à un diplomate Belge, à propos du barrage de l'Escaut. La Haye, Martinus Nijhoff, 1867. 16 s. (8) [gammel-hollandsk diplomat]. Erreurs ou Sophismes?, à propos des brochures d'un diplomate Belge et de M. Garcia de la Vega sur du barrage de l'Escaut Oriental. 47 s. (9) Garcia de la Vega. La Hollande et les traités, à propos du barrage de l'Escaut Oriental et du Sloe. Bruxelles, Aug. Decq, 1867. 15 s. (10) Les barrages de l'Escaut Oriental et du Sloë considérés au point de vue juridique. Gand, I.-S. van Doosselaere, 1867. 52 s., med foldet kort. Denne samling giver en meget detaljeret redegørelse for den offentlige diskussion omkring byggeriet af Sloe- og Kreekrakdam. Opførelsen af dæmninger i Schelde har længe været en kilde til stridigheder mellem Belgien som Holland, da landene har modstridende interesser. Til sidst blev Kreekrakdam færdiggjort i 1867 og Sloedam i 1871.

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Oosterschelde Engineering Map 1867

This vintage map from 1867 details the engineering works surrounding the construction of the Sloe and Kreekrak dams in the Oosterschelde region. The map showcases the complex waterways of the Oosterschelde (Eastern Scheldt) region, including the Eastern Scheldt, Western Scheldt, and various surrounding waterways. The map includes specific geographical features and locations including the rivers, surrounding landmasses, and the dams. The map also highlights the strategic importance of the region and the complexities involved in the construction of large-scale engineering projects. The map itself offers a fascinating glimpse into 19th-century cartography, showcasing a detailed and precise representation of the region, particularly the winding waterways. This map can be used for research purposes by historians, students of engineering, or anyone interested in the history of the Oosterschelde region and its importance in Dutch transportation and industrial history.

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