Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011
Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011
Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011
Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011
Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011
Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011
Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011

Ria Winters - A Treasury Of Endemic Fauna Of Mauritius and Rodrigues - 2011

94 EUR




Denne vidunderlige publikation omhandler de endemiske arter på øerne i det indiske hav Mauritius og Rodrigues. Forfatteren beskriver de uddøde og nulevende fugle og dyr i ord og kunst. Bogen er illustreret med forfatterens tegninger og malerier. Fuld farve. I 2009 besøgte Ria Winters Mauritius på vegne af Artists for Conservation Foundation (AFC) med det mål at gengive og skildre det endemiske dyreliv. Rejsen resulterede i et værk på mere end tredive malerier og hundredvis af fotografier. To et halvt år senere arrangerede Blue Penny Museum i Port Louis en udstilling med temaet "The last gong for the Dugong", der viser malerier, skulpturer og antikke bøger af uddøde og truede arter på Mascarene-øerne. Sammen med udstillingen blev bogen "A Treasury of Endemic Fauna of Mauritius and Rodrigues" lanceret. Bogen er både et katalog over de malerier, der vises på udstillingen, samt et personligt syn på kunstneren på det lokale dyreliv.

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Ria Winters - A Treasury of Endemic Fauna of Mauritius and Rodrigues

This beautifully illustrated book explores the endemic species found on the Indian Ocean islands of Mauritius and Rodrigues. It features detailed descriptions and stunning artwork showcasing the extinct and extant birds and animals. The book is richly illustrated with the author's drawings and paintings. It contains stunning full-colour plates of endangered species.Ria Winters visited Mauritius in 2009 on behalf of Artists for Conservation Foundation (AFC) with the aim of capturing and depicting the endemic wildlife. The trip resulted in over thirty paintings and hundreds of photographs. Two and a half years later, Blue Penny Museum in Port Louis hosted an exhibition titled 'The last gong for the Dugong' featuring paintings, sculptures, and antique books about extinct and threatened species found on the Mascarene Islands. This publication acts as both a catalogue to the exhibition, and a personal reflection of the artist on local wildlife.

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