Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878
Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878
Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878
Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878
Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878
Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878
Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878

Joseph Smit - Hand-coloured lithograph from GD Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany - 1878

30 EUR


Rød, Grøn, Lilla, Brun


Joseph Smit, håndkoloreret litografi fra G.D. Rowley's Ornithological Miscellany (1878) Ornithological Miscellany, som George Dawson Rawley var redaktør af, udkom i 3 bind mellem 1876 og 1878 og blev udgivet i London af Trübner and Co. Illustrationerne blev leveret af John G. Keulemans og Joseph Smit og anerkendte ornitologer som Dresser, Sharpe og Sclater skrev bidrag. Bind 3 af serien indeholdt en artikel om den sydamerikanske slægt Pionus, skrevet af P.L. Sclater (side 5). Artiklen var ledsaget af to plader af Joseph Smit. En af disse to, Pionus tumultuosus, tilbydes hermed. Joseph Smit (1836-1929) var en hollandsk zoologisk illustrator. Han modtog sin første opgave af Hermann Schlegel på Leiden Museum for at arbejde på litografierne til en bog om fuglene i Hollandsk Ostindien. I 1866 blev han inviteret til Storbritannien af Philip Sclater for at lave litografien til Sclaters eksotiske ornitologi; han forberedte hundrede billeder til bogen.[3] Det håndmalede litografi (kunstner og litograf Jospeh Smith, trykkeri Hanhart) måler 32 x 25 cm og er i fremragende stand, som billederne viser. Papiret er rent, ingen rævning. Farverne er lyse.

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Joseph Smit - Hand-Coloured Lithograph - Pionus Tumultuosus

This hand-coloured lithograph by Joseph Smit (1836-1929) is from the 1878 publication of G.D. Rowley’s Ornithological Miscellany. Ornithological Miscellany, edited by George Dawson Rawley, was issued in 3 volumes between 1876 and 1878 and published in London by Trübner and Co. Illustrations were provided by John G. Keulemans and Joseph Smit and the contributions were written by recognised ornithologists such as Dresser, Sharpe and Sclater. Volume 3 of the series included a paper on the South American genus Pionus, written by P.L. Sclater (page 5). Two plates by Joseph Smit accompanied the paper. One of these two, Pionus tumultuosus, is offered here. Joseph Smit (1836-1929) was a Dutch zoological illustrator. He received his first commission from Hermann Schlegel at the Leiden Museum to work on the lithographs for a book about the birds of Dutch East Indies. In 1866, he was invited to Britain by Philip Sclater to produce the lithography for Sclater’s Exotic Ornithology; he prepared one hundred pictures for the book. [3] This original hand-coloured lithograph is in excellent condition, as the images show. Measures 32 x 25 cm. The paper is clean, no foxing. Colours are bright.

Antal: 1
mål: 32 x 25 cm
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