Cyckel City Bike Grön Vindspel / Vindsnurra / Bike / Wind Game / Wind Wheel
Cyckel City Bike Grön Vindspel / Vindsnurra / Bike / Wind Game / Wind Wheel

Cyckel City Bike Grön Vindspel / Vindsnurra / Bike / Wind Game / Wind Wheel

650 DKK
Länghem 51444


Länghem 51444
DHL, Takeaway


This decorative metal bicycle is a unique highlight for the home. It impresses with its typical bicycle shape and has a basket both at the front and at the back. It is easy to imagine sitting on the wide saddle and letting the spoked wheels fly. A beautiful bike, with the grandma probably could have gone to the market shopping.

This city bike is a detailed decoration element. All parts were hand-made and painted. The retro-look of course also includes irregularities in the paint - these are intentional and support the charming antique effect. A smaller version of the popular Bicycle series.

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Cykel Vindspel Grøn

Dette dekorative metal vindspel i form af en cykel er en unik detalje til dit hjem. Det er lavet af metal med et vintage look og har en kurv både foran og bagpå. Vindspillet er håndlavet og malet, og det har et charmerende antikt udtryk. Det er en mindre version af den populære Bicycle-serie. Vindspillet er perfekt til at tilføje et strejf af charme og nostalgi til din have eller altan. Det er også en god gaveidé til cykelentusiaster.

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