Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne
Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne
Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne
Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne
Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne
Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne
Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne

Piero Dorazio (after) - Herrenhof Mussbach - 1980‹erne

59 EUR




Original autograferet litografisk plakat af Piero Dorazio (*). Dette værk blev udgivet i anledning af kunstnerens soloudstilling i Neustadt a.d. Wstrs. i 1987 Redigeret af Erker-Presse. Stort Format. Specifikationer: Mål: 91 x 56 cm År: 1987 Stand: Fremragende (dette værk har aldrig været indrammet eller udstillet, og altid opbevaret i en professionel kunstmappe, så det udbydes i meget god stand). Herkomst: Privat samling. Arbejdet vil blive omhyggeligt håndteret og pakket i en forstærket pappakke. Forsendelsen vil blive certificeret med sporingsnummer. Forsendelsen vil også omfatte transportforsikring for den endelige værdi af arbejdet med fuld tilbagebetaling i tilfælde af tab eller skade, uden omkostninger for køber. (*) Piero Dorazio, italiensk maler, blev født i Rom i 1927. Dorazzio begyndte sit studieliv i arkitektur, men meget snart vendte han sig mod kunst og især maleri. Han var tyve år gammel, da han deltog i skrivningen af "Form I"-manifestet, et manifest, der vil lede alt hans fremtidige arbejde. I 1950 grundlagde han - galleriboghandelen - "The Golden Age" sammen med M. Guerilli og A. Perilli, et kooperativ af kunstnere til formidling af kunst og kunstnerisk presse. I 1952 og 1953 samarbejdede han med magasinet "Arti visivi" og udgav næsten to år senere "Kunstens fantasi i det moderne liv." Han foretog derefter en lang række meget formative rejser (Prag, Paris, USA) i 1960, hvor han var professor i kunst ved University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). I Frankrig mødte han Braque, Arp, Léger, Magnelli, Le Corbusier, kunstnere, som han beundrede meget. I USA samarbejder Donazio med Hans Richter og Robert Motherwell. Mens han har specialiseret sig i italiensk renæssancekunst, kombinerer Piero Dorazio sit arbejde som maler, kunstkritiker, foredragsholder og udstillingsarrangør. Siden 1984 har han samarbejdet med "Corriere della sera" som dens faste kunstkritiker. Hvis han begyndte sin karriere som maler med figurative værker, udviklede han sig mod den kubistiske stil; futuristisk nedenfor med lyse og kontrasterende farver. Den lineære struktur optræder i 1947. Den gennemgår en konstruktivistisk fase (1955) og en uformel fase senere. Gesten er altid af første vigtighed; Hans "netværk" af modsatte linjer og farver skaber en subtil optisk blanding af toner og er udtryk for hans opfattelse af gestus. Piero Dorazio døde i maj 2005. Tags: Picasso, Dalí, Pollock, Miró, Beuys, Warhol, Giacometti, Hodgkin, Moore, Malevich, Mondrian, O'Keefe, Matisse, Kandinsky, Bacon, Klimt, Hooper, Rothko, Chirico, Duchamp, Chagall, Braque, Picabia, Kooning, Ernst, Paul Klee, Modigliani, Calder, Delaunay. Kiefer, Kusama, Murakami, Koons, Basquiat, Nauman, Sherman, Bourgeois, Polke, Ruff, Ruscha, Holzer, Abramović, Freud, Mendieta, Tuymans, Kruger, Hockney, Saville, Fanzhi, Oehlen, Richter, Scully, Stella, Schütte, Xiaodong, Judd, Peyton, Richard Serra, LeWitt, Kippenberger, Baldessari, Doig, González-Torres, Francesco Clemente, Claudio Detto, Mino Argento, Mimmo Paladino, Pistoletto, De Chirico, Vedova, Addamiano, Morandi, Casorati, Adami, Gutto Cattelan, Lucio Fontana, Baj, Ceccotti, Modigliani, Berruti, Boccioni, Burri, Castellani, Mafonso, Savinio, Marini, Annigoni, Magnelli, Bonalumi, Sironi, Ferri, Manzoni, Spalletti, Balla, Boetti, Borgianni, Basaldella, Alinari. Vitra, Poolsen, Jacobsen, Hans Wegner, Charles Eames, Perriand, Philippe Starck, Marcel Breuer, Knoll, Juhl, Verner Panton, Le Corbusier, Mies Vander Rohe, George Nelson, Mogensen, Eames, Gio Ponti, Knoll, Isamu Noguchi, Bertoia , Aalto, Urquiola, Eileen Gray, Pesce, Magistretti. Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, Burberry, Hermès, Prada, Dior, Armani, Cartier, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, Balenciaga, Ralph Lauren, Rolex, Fendi, Givenchy, Tiffany, Alexander McQueen, Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino, Bvlgari.

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Piero Dorazio Original Lithograph Poster 1987

This is an original autographed lithograph poster of Piero Dorazio's art, published in 1987, on the occasion of the artist's solo exhibition in Neustadt a.d. Wstrs. The poster was printed by Erker-Presse and it's available in a large format. This lithograph was kept professionally stored in an art folder, ensuring its excellent condition. It has never been framed or exhibited, and comes from a private collection. It is expected to be shipped expertly in a reinforced cardboard box. The shipment will be certified with a tracking number and it will include transport insurance for its full value with full reimbursement in case of loss or damage, at no cost to the buyer. Piero Dorazio (1927 - 2005), an Italian painter, was born in Rome. He began his studies in architecture, but he quickly turned to art and especially painting. At the age of twenty, he participated in the writing of the "Form I" manifesto, a manifesto that guided all his future work. He started the gallery and bookshop "The Golden Age" along with M. Guerilli and A. Perilli in 1950, a cooperative of artists for the promotion of art and artistic press. He collaborated on the magazine "Arti visivi" in 1952 and 1953, releasing "Art Imagination in Modern Life", almost two years later. In 1960, he undertook numerous formative journeys, including visits to Prague, Paris, and the USA, where he taught art at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia). In France, he met Braque, Arp, Léger, Magnelli, and Le Corbusier, artists whom he admired greatly. While specializing in Italian Renaissance art, Piero Dorazio excelled as a painter, art critic, lecturer, and exhibition organizer. Since 1984, he has collaborated with "Corriere della sera" as its permanent art critic. Initially, he embarked on his career as a painter with figurative works, but he then moved towards Cubist style; with futuristic and vibrant contrasting colors. In 1947, the linear structure made its first appearance. His artworks progressed to a constructivist phase (1955) and later a deconstructionist phase. The gesture is always of paramount importance; His "network" of opposite lines and colors creates a subtle optical blend of tones and is an expression of his conception of gesture. Piero Dorazio died in May 2005.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 91 x 56 cm
mål: 91 x 56 cm
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