Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld -  179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant
Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld -  179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant
Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld -  179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant
Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld -  179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant
Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld -  179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant
Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld -  179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant
Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld -  179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant

Ingen mindstepris - Ring - 14 karat Gulguld - 179ct tw Smaragd - Diamant

12 EUR


Guld, Smaragd, diamant
15, 55
Guld, Grøn


Enestående 14 karat "Kate" gul guldring, med spektakulær oval slebet smaragd og omgivet af brillantslebne naturlige diamanter. Guldtitel stemplet på 14KT juvelen. italiensk produkt. Størrelse: 15/55 - Vægt gram - GR 1,95 oval skåret smaragd - CT 1,52 Farve: Enggrøn med pragtfulde indeslutninger Central mål - 8,00 x 6,00 mm brillantslebne diamanter - CT 0.27 * Størrelsen på ringen kan vælges af kunden, inden forsendelsen, og vil blive justeret FOR KUNDENS BETALING. * **LÆR MERE** Helt håndlavet juvel lavet i ITALIEN Ædelsten behandles almindeligvis for at intensivere deres farve eller klarhed. Se venligst billederne inden du byder. Farverne kan variere lidt på grund af belysning. Byd kun, hvis du er helt tilfreds med varens stand, som den er. Objektet vil blive sendt med etui og vedhæftet konvolut og international juvelrapport. *FRAKTOPLYSNINGER* Eventuelle omkostninger eller afgifter, såsom told eller importafgifter, fortoldning og håndtering kan være gældende, når du sender dit parti. I dette tilfælde vil omkostningerne blive opkrævet af køber. Vi sender kun med verdenskendte kurerer. Forsendelse vil være sporbar og forsikret.

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14K Gold Emerald Diamond Ring

This stunning 14 karat gold ring features a spectacular oval-cut emerald surrounded by brilliant-cut natural diamonds. The ring is hallmarked 14KT on the jewel. This Italian-made ring is a beautiful and timeless piece. This exquisite ring features a 1.52ct oval-cut emerald and 0.27ct total weight of diamonds. The ring size is 15/55, and the weight is 1.95 grams. This ring features an emerald that is a vibrant green with beautiful inclusions. The ring band is crafted in a classic style that compliments the emerald's elegant style. This ring is sure to make a statement on your finger. It is perfect for any occasion and would make a wonderful gift. *PLEASE NOTE THAT RING SIZE MAY BE ADJUSTED FOR CUSTOMER'S PAYMENT. *HANDCRAFTED JEWEL MADE IN ITALY gemstones are commonly treated to enhance their color or clarity. Please review all pictures before bidding. Colors may vary slightly due to lighting. Bid only if you are completely happy with the condition of the item as it is. The item will be shipped with a case and attached envelope and international jewel report. *SHIPPING INFORMATION* Any eventual costs or fees, such as customs or import duties, customs clearance and handling, may apply when your lot is shipped. In this case, the costs will be charged to the buyer. We ship only by world-renowned couriers. Shipping will be traceable and insured.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 15, 55
mål: 8,00 x 6,00 mm
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