Abstrakt oliemaleri af Luiz Cláudio Lima
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Abstrakt oliemaleri af Luiz Cláudio Lima
Oliemaleri, motiv: Abstrakt, stil: Abstrakt, b: 79.5cm h: 79.5cm A painting by "Luiz Cláudio Lima. Luiz is a Brazilian Interior decorator, Artist/Painter/Tattoo artist/Hair stylist. This painting is absolutely beautiful. I absolutely love it. The design, the colour, the size, everything perfect. The painting is dated 08/01/08. It was gifted to me personally shortly thereafter. The "problem", &/or the reason for the sale, it was gifted to me/us as a wedding gift. I am now unfortunately divorced. The painting is unfortunately a consistent reminder of my/our wedding day. If it weren't for this sad fact I would have been more than happy to have kept it for the rest of my life. A superb example. The painting is in excellent condition. It's somewhat difficult to put a price on art works, but from my genuine perspective it is an absolute steal at my advertised price. I live in Amager, Copenhagen.