Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920
Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920
Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920
Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920
Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920
Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920
Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920

Padraic Colum/Willy Pogany - The Adventures of Odysseus and the Tale of Troy - 1920





En meget sjælden og smuk bog skrevet af Padraic Colum. Ægte FØRSTE udgave fra 1920 komplet med 8 smukke farveillustrationer og mange helsides sorte og hvide plader af Willy Pogany. Udvendigt originalt buckram-dug stærkt dekoreret med slid omkring kanter og hjørner og ryg med enkelte pletter. Rygsøjlen blev mørkere. Se billeder som en del af beskrivelsen. Indvendige sorte og hvide plader i generelt god stand med pletter omkring marginer, farveplader i generelt god stand med lette pletter på marginer. Tidligere ejer satte en blyant på en beskrivelse af nogle plader, der ikke påvirker pladen. Der er en lille del af en sort/hvid plade delvist farvet - se sidste foto. Sjældenhed.

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Padraic Colum Willy Pogany The Adventures of Odysseus & The Tale of Troy 1st Edition 1920

A very rare and beautiful book written by Padraic Colum. A genuine FIRST Edition from 1920 complete with 8 beautiful colour illustrations and many full-page black and white plates by Willy Pogany. Externally original buckram cloth strongly decorated with wear around edges and corners and spine with some spots. The spine has darkened. See pictures as part of the description. Internal black and white plates are in generally good condition with spots around margins, colour plates are in generally good condition with slight spots on margins. Previous owner put a pencil on a description of some plates which does not affect the plate. There is a small part of a black/white plate partly coloured - see last photo. Rare.

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