A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887
A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887
A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887
A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887
A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887
A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887
A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887

A B Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa their religion manners customs laws - 1887





En meget sjælden og smuk bog om "The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa, their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language etc" skrevet af A. B. Ellis og udgivet af Chapman i 1887. Antropologisk undersøgelse af Twi-folket af Guldkysten (nu Guinea), baseret på Ellis' observationer som britisk hærofficer under og efter den tredje anglo-ashantikrig (1873-1874). Bog i rimelig/god stand for alder. Udvendigt slid rundt om kanter og hjørner, slid på rygsøjlen, lette pletter på brædder. Endpapers revet, indeni lette pletter på kanterne, men for det meste rene. Eksternt bibliotekseksemplar med kun tegn: numre på ryg, klistermærke på bagerste tavle og foran, nogle stempler i begyndelsen af bogen og kun et i slutningen. Et af meget få eksemplarer, der sælges over hele verden! Sjældenhed

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A. B. Ellis - The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa 1887

A rare and beautiful book on “The Tshi-Speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa, their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, Language etc” written by A. B. Ellis and published by Chapman in 1887. An anthropological study of the Twi people of the Gold Coast (now Ghana) based on Ellis’ observations as a British army officer during and after the Third Anglo-Ashanti War (1873-1874). The book is in reasonable/good condition for its age. External wear around edges and corners, wear on the spine, slight stains on the boards. Endpapers torn, some light staining on the edges inside but mostly clean. Library copy from outside with only signs: numbers on spine, sticker on back cover and front, some stamps at the beginning of the book and only one at the end. One of very few copies to be sold worldwide! Rare.

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