Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain
Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain
Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain
Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain
Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain
Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain
Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain

Karim Rashid Knowledge in the Brain Bookend Black

125 DKK
2200 København N


2200 København N
Guld, Sort

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Bogstøtte Knowledge in the brain

Bogstøtte, Knowledge in the brain by Kerim Rashid Black Super cool og heavy bogstøtte af Karim Rashid Black. Hovedet hedddr Knowledge in the brain, hvilket også er indgravet i selve bogstøtten. Nypris for et sæt er ca 1200,- Jeg har kun en halvdel. Sælges billigt da næsen har mistet det yderste af sin næsetip Se også mine andre annoncer. Hvis du er interesseret i flere ting, så lad os finde ud af en fornuftig samlet pris.

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This is a super cool and heavy bookend by Karim Rashid. The piece is called “Knowledge in the Brain” which is also engraved on the base. The original price for a pair of these bookends was approximately £100. This is a single bookend in black and the tip of the nose has been damaged, hence the lower price. It is a perfect gift for the design lover in your life.

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