CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL
CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL
CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL
CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL
CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL
CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL
CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL

CoCo - Fruitful Skyline - XXL

60 EUR


100 x 200 cm
Rød, Blå


"Fruitful Skyline" - unikt giclée-print på premium bomuldslærred Artwork detaljer: Medium: giclée-print på 100 % bomuldslærred, 370 g/m², med omhyggeligt håndskårne kanter og ekstra marginer for at lette strækningen på en ramme. Størrelse: 100 x 200 cm (uindrammet). Signatur: underskrevet af kunstneren, CoCo, på bagsiden. Udgave: unikt, enestående kunstværk. Certifikat: ledsaget af et Certificate of Authenticity (COA) underskrevet af kunstneren. Om kunstneren: CoCo er en moderne polsk kunstner, hvis dybe fascination af kunst og computergrafik begyndte i barndommen. Født i 1983 studerede han datalogi og computergrafik, hvilket lagde et solidt grundlag for hans innovative tilgang til digital kunst. Hans værker er kendetegnet ved deres levende farver og dynamiske kompositioner, der kombinerer traditionelle teknikker med moderne digitale værktøjer, herunder kunstig intelligens (AI). CoCos kunstneriske vision er dybt påvirket af de tidløse værker af klassiske mestre som Vincent van Gogh, hvis livlige farvepaletter og følelsesladede penselstrøg giver genklang gennem hele hans kreationer. Derudover kan den strukturelle præcision, der minder om Paul Cézannes kompositioner, observeres i CoCos tilgang til form og balance. Ved at fusionere disse klassiske inspirationer med moderne teknikker, herunder kunstig intelligens og digitale medier, skaber CoCo en unik bro mellem de vedvarende traditioner inden for kunst og den moderne tids innovative muligheder. Denne sammensmeltning af fortid og nutid adskiller ham i den moderne kunstverden. Hans kunstværker har fået opmærksomhed fra samlere verden over og er med i adskillige private samlinger. CoCo fremstår som en lovende kunstner i sin generation, der konsekvent udforsker nye ideer og skubber grænser med sine originale og ofte innovative kreationer, og inviterer både sig selv og sit publikum til at se kunst fra nye perspektiver. CoCos arbejde eksemplificerer hans unikke evne til at fremkalde følelser gennem en sømløs blanding af tradition og innovation. Hans kreationer er højt værdsat af kræsne samlere og entusiaster af samtidskunst, digital kunst og AI-drevet kreativitet. Forsendelse: Vi tilbyder hurtig og sikker forsendelse via UPS til de fleste steder i hele verden, hvilket sikrer, at dit kunstværk ankommer sikkert og hurtigt.

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CoCo Fruitful Skyline XXL Giclée Print

This striking XXL Giclée Print entitled 'Fruitful Skyline' by CoCo is a unique work of art that is sure to make a statement in any home. It features a vibrant depiction of a tree laden with fruit, set against a backdrop of a bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds. The artwork is printed on premium 100% cotton canvas (370 g/m²), with carefully hand-cut edges and extra margins to facilitate stretching onto a frame. This piece is sure to impress any art enthusiast. **Artwork Details:** * Medium: Giclée print on 100% cotton canvas, 370 g/m², with carefully hand-cut edges and extra margins for easy stretching onto a frame * Size: 100 x 200 cm (unframed) * Signature: Signed by the artist, CoCo, on the back. * Edition: Unique, one-of-a-kind artwork * Certificate: Accompanied by a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) signed by the artist. **About The Artist:** CoCo is a contemporary Polish artist whose deep fascination with art and computer graphics began in childhood. Born in 1983, he studied computer science and computer graphics, which laid a solid foundation for his innovative approach to digital art. His works are characterised by their vibrant colours and dynamic compositions, combining traditional techniques with modern digital tools, including Artificial Intelligence (AI). His artistic vision is deeply influenced by the timeless works of classic masters such as Vincent van Gogh, whose lively colour palettes and emotionally-charged brushstrokes resonate throughout his creations. Additionally, the structural precision reminiscent of Paul Cézanne's compositions can be observed in CoCo's approach to form and balance. By fusing these classic inspirations with modern techniques, including AI and digital media, CoCo creates a unique bridge between the enduring traditions of art and the innovative opportunities of the contemporary age. This fusion of past and present sets him apart in the modern art world. His artworks have gained attention from collectors worldwide and are featured in numerous private collections. CoCo stands as a promising artist of his generation, consistently exploring new ideas and pushing boundaries with his original and often innovative creations, inviting both himself and his audience to view art from new perspectives. CoCo's work exemplifies his unique ability to evoke emotions through a seamless blend of tradition and innovation. His creations are highly valued by discerning collectors and enthusiasts of contemporary art, digital art, and AI-driven creativity. **Shipping:** We offer fast and secure shipping via UPS to most locations worldwide, ensuring your artwork arrives safely and quickly.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 100 x 200 cm
mål: 100 x 200 cm
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