Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker
Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker
Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker
Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker
Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker
Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker
Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker

Angel Bazal Original drawing - Batman and Joker



30 x 21 cm
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* Håndsigneret af kunstneren * Klar til indramning * Inkluderer ægthedsbeviset Denne imponerende tegning viser Batman, der står over for sin største fjende, Jokeren, i et øjeblik med intens spænding. Skabt af den talentfulde kunstner Angel Bazal, denne illustration fanger perfekt den evige kamp mellem helten og skurken og hylder det ikoniske Batman-univers. - Blæk på papir format 30 x 21 cm. Angel Bazal er en talentfuld tegneseriekunstner, hvis passion for tegning og illustration har givet ham anerkendelse i kunstverdenen. Påvirket af den berømte mester Kim Jung Gi, viser Bazals arbejde en stil, der minder om hans idoler, samtidig med at han bevarer sit unikke kunstneriske udtryk. Gennem et bredt repertoire af hans kreative geni skiller Angel Bazals arbejde sig ud for hans evne til at fremkalde stemningsfulde atmosfærer, der dykker ned i post-apokalyptiske landskaber, sci-fi-verdener og cyberpunk-temaer. Hans dynamiske kompositioner med forkortelse, dramatiske vinkler og flere forsvindingspunkter tilfører hans værker en uovertruffen følelse af energi og realisme. Denne signaturstil hylder Kim Jung Gis ikoniske teknikker og tjener som et bevis på Angels dedikation og beherskelse af sit arbejde. Dette unikke stykke er håndsigneret af Bazal og inkluderer ægthedscertifikatet. ** Ekspres og sikker forsendelse.

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Angel Bazal Original Drawing - Batman & Joker Signed 30x21cm

This impressive artwork showcases Batman facing his arch nemesis, the Joker, in a moment of intense tension. Created by the talented artist Angel Bazal, this illustration perfectly captures the eternal fight between hero and villain, paying homage to the iconic Batman universe. - Ink on paper, format 30 x 21 cm. Angel Bazal is a talented comic book artist whose passion for drawing and illustration has earned him recognition in the art world. Influenced by the renowned master Kim Jung Gi, Bazal's work displays a style reminiscent of his idols, while retaining his unique artistic expression. Across a wide repertoire of his creative genius, Angel Bazal's work stands out for his ability to evoke evocative atmospheres that delve into post-apocalyptic landscapes, sci-fi worlds and cyberpunk themes. His dynamic compositions with foreshortening, dramatic angles and multiple vanishing points imbue his artwork with an unparalleled sense of energy and realism. This signature style pays homage to Kim Jung Gi's iconic techniques and serves as a testament to Angel's dedication and mastery of his craft. This one-of-a-kind piece is hand-signed by Bazal and includes a Certificate of Authenticity. ** Express and secure shipping.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 30 x 21 cm
mål: 30 x 21 cm
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