Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick
Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick

Nikon F + Photomic FTN – En av historiens viktigaste kameror i fint skick

1.305 DKK
Karlskrona 37331


Karlskrona 37331
DHL, PostNordParcel, Takeaway


Denna kamera är kanske kamerahistoriens viktigaste kamera. Den kom 1959 och var då Nikons första SLR-kamera. Det var också denna som tog över kameramonopolet från Tyskland och förflyttade det till Japan. Tack vare sin kompromisslösa kvalitet och modularitet blev det en mycket populär kamera bland professionella fotografer.

”The Nikon F was the first 35 mm SLR system to be widely adopted by professional photographers, especially photojournalists covering the Vietnam War, as well as for use by NASA astronauts.”

Här kan du läsa mer om den!



”The Nikon F is quite simply, one of the most important cameras ever made. It’s arrival signaled the end of German dominance in the camera industry and introduced the world to Japanese quality and precision. While the camera wasn’t the first to market with many of it’s features, it was built with a level of quality that had yet been seen by a Japanese camera. The Nikon F launched the entire F-series of SLRs which are still made today. If you’ve ever shot a film or digital SLR, some of that experience can be traced back to this camera. If you like a quirky camera with strange features and odd ergonomics, this is not the camera for you, but if you can appreciate a piece of history and want to use one of the best cameras ever made, there is none better...

...Every single feature on the Nikon F was built with the highest levels of quality and precision, achieving a level of reliability not yet seen in any Japanese camera up until this point. Nippon Kogaku took no shortcuts in the design and construction of the camera to ensure that they made the best camera possible. The Nikon F was durable enough to be used in outer space because of it’s dependability and resistance to vibration and high G-forces. It accompanied hikers to the heights of Mount Everest because of it’s resistance to extreme cold. It was favored by photographers shooting during the Vietnam war because it could withstand the humidity and heat from the jungle.

Today, modern digital cameras and smartphones require sealed bodies that offer water and moisture resistance, but the Nikon F didn’t need any extra sealing as it could handle the regular abuse and rigors of war just fine. The Nikon F was so reliable that it earned a reputation as a “hockey puck” because no matter what you did to it, it almost always kept working. In the rare event you did break a Nikon, it was usually something minor that could be easily fixed.”

Kamerahuset är testat och fungerar utan anmärkning. Det är i fint kosmetiskt skick!

Sökaren är också i fint skick, men jag har inte lyckats få ljusmätaren att ge utslag - kanske använder jag fel batterier eller så är de felmonterade, men jag vågar inte ge någon garanti på ljusmätaren i alla fall. Kameran är i övrigt helt mekanisk, så detta är ingenting som påverkar funktionen.

Kolla även in mina övriga annonser! Jag har exempelvis objektiv som passar kameran, men också andra kameror och tillbehör.

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