Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838
Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838
Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838
Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838
Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838
Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838
Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838

Frédéric Soulié - Les Mémoires du Diable‎ - 1837-1838

285 EUR




Første udgave af forfatterens mesterværk, "Les Mémoires du Diable" blev i sin tid betragtet som en stor titel, svarende til de store føljetonforfattere i det 19. århundrede, såsom "Le Mystère de Paris" af Eugène Sue, "De tre musketerer". ” af Alexandre Dumas, eller ”Den menneskelige komedie” af Honoré de Balzac. Monumentalt værk udgivet i boghandler mellem 1837 og 1838 i 8 bind. i-8. Teksten optrådte for første gang i Journal des Débats i form af føljetoner i 1837, hvilket vakte jalousi hos Balzac, som svarede med Splendeurs et Misères des courtesans. "Denne faustianske roman er et skræmmende billede af julimonarkiets samfund og dets økonomiske og moralske korruption." Ligesom Faust sælger baron François-Armand de Luizzi sin sjæl til djævelen i bytte for at få tilfredsstillet alle hans ønsker og vil kun undslippe fordømmelse, hvis han beviser over for sig selv, at han har kendt lykken. Soulié tegner, gennem vildledende karakterer, der ånder godhed og uskyld, et billede af samfundet, når det er mest afskyelige, det mest grusomme: kriminalitet, incest, utroskab, falskhed. Romantiske, vellavede bindinger i lavallière-glaseret halvkalveskind, glat rygrad prydet med elegant dekoration med små forgyldte jern. Ryggen delvist blottet. I bind 1 og 3 hovedbeklædning med manglende små fragmenter. Frisk og ren interiør, trykt på hvidt vellumpapir af god kvalitet, lidt spredt ræv. Fra bibliotekerne i Chatillon Slot og "Cerruti di Castiglione" med heraldisk ex-libris. FORFATTER: Frédéric Soulié TITEL: Djævelens erindringer Paris, Ambroise Dupont, 1837.8 bind In-8, Hardback, af 370, 364, 352, 382, 326, 327, 326 og 331 s., tabeller i alle bind. Emne: Soulie Memoirs of the Devil Caricature Vices Corruption Society 19. juli Monarchy EO 1837

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Frédéric Soulié Les Mémoires du Diable 8 Volume Set

This is the first edition of Frédéric Soulié’s masterpiece, “Les Mémoires du Diable”, which was considered a major title at the time, on par with the great feuilleton writers of the 19th century, such as “Le Mystère de Paris” by Eugène Sue, “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas, or “The Human Comedy” by Honoré de Balzac. This monumental work was published in bookstores between 1837 and 1838 in 8 volumes. The text first appeared in the Journal des Débats in serial form in 1837, which sparked jealousy in Balzac, who responded with Splendeurs et Misères des courtesans. This Faustian novel paints a chilling picture of the society of the July Monarchy and its economic and moral corruption. Like Faust, Baron François-Armand de Luizzi sells his soul to the devil in exchange for the fulfillment of all his desires and will only escape damnation if he proves to himself that he has known happiness. Through deceitful characters who breathe goodness and innocence, Soulié paints a picture of society at its most abominable, its most cruel: crime, incest, adultery, falsehood. Romantic, well-made bindings in lavallière glazed half calfskin, smooth spine adorned with elegant decoration with small gilded iron. The back partially bare. In volumes 1 and 3 head cover missing small fragments. Fresh and clean interior, printed on good quality white vellum paper, a bit of scattered foxing. From the libraries of Chatillon Castle and “Cerruti di Castiglione” with heraldic ex-libris. AUTHOR: Frédéric Soulié TITLE: Memories of the Devil Paris, Ambroise Dupont, 1837. 8 Volumes In-8, Hardback, of 370, 364, 352, 382, 326, 327, 326 and 331 pp., tables in all volumes. Subject: Soulie Memories of the Devil Caricature Vices Corruption Society 19th July Monarchy EO 1837

Antal: 1
Størrelse: In-8
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