Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit
Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit
Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit
Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit
Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit
Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit
Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit

Alex Bucklee (XX-XXI) - Same Old Bullshit

40 EUR


30 x 42 cm
Rød, Blå, Hvid


Sjældent og eksklusivt stykke af den unge britiske kunstner Alex Bucklee & Grow Up, den eneste tilgængelige på markedet. Stykket blev udsolgt på få minutter! Alex Bucklee "Samme gamle bullshit" 30x42 cm Værket færdigt i hånden og håndsigneret af kunstneren. Gadekunstneren udsteder ikke et certifikat. Værk skabt i hånden af kunstneren i fasen forud for skabelsen af selve oplaget, defineret som "Artist Proof", det er et enestående værk. Eventuelle uoverensstemmelser eller mindre ufuldkommenheder kan tilskrives arbejdets håndværk. Den afsendte vare svarer nøjagtigt til, hvad der kan ses på billedet. Arbejde i fremragende stand. Hurtig og professionel forsendelse og emballering over hele verden. Gå ikke glip af muligheden for at få dette unikke stykke i din samling. Parat? Vi skal på auktion!

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Alex Bucklee Same Old Bullshit Artist Proof Print

This is a rare and exclusive piece by the young British artist Alex Bucklee and Grow Up, the only one available on the market. This piece was sold out within minutes! Alex Bucklee "Same Old Bullshit" 30x42 cm This piece is hand-finished and signed by the artist. The street artist does not issue a certificate. The artwork was created by the artist in the phase prior to the creation of the actual edition, defined as "Artist Proof", it is a unique work of art. Any inconsistencies or minor imperfections may be attributed to the handmade nature of the work. The item sent corresponds exactly to what can be seen in the photo. Work in excellent condition. Fast and professional worldwide shipping and packaging. Don't miss the opportunity to get this unique piece for your collection. Ready? Let's get this auction going!

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 30 x 42 cm
mål: 30 x 42 cm
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