Luftrenser Dyson purifier
Luftrenser Dyson purifier
Luftrenser Dyson purifier
Luftrenser Dyson purifier
Luftrenser Dyson purifier
Luftrenser Dyson purifier
Luftrenser Dyson purifier

Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde PH04 Air Purifier

3.800 DKK
7100 Vejle


Luftrenser Dyson purifier
7100 Vejle
metal, plastik
Sølv, Brun

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Luftrenser Dyson purifier

Luftrenser, Dyson purifier humidify +cool formaldehyde Dyson luftrenser purifier humidify +cool formaldehyde Model PH04. Været sat til i 5-10 minutter og ellers ikke været i brug. Købt til andet behov end vi har i nuværende bolig og skal derfor blot sælges igen. Den har stået stille siden november hvor den er købt. Fejler absolut intet og står som ny. Original kasse haves fortsat. Befinder sig i Vejle. Kan leveres i retningen mod Billund fra Vejle af. Købt i Power Nypris 5990kr.

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This Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde PH04 air purifier is in brand new condition. It was only used for 5-10 minutes and has been stored since November when it was bought. The air purifier is in perfect working order and comes with the original box. The Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde PH04 is a powerful air purifier that removes dust, allergens, and pollutants from the air. It also features a built-in humidifier to add moisture to the air, making it ideal for people who live in dry climates. The unit is very quiet and has an auto mode that adjusts the fan speed based on the air quality. It also has a timer function so you can set it to run for a certain amount of time. The Dyson Pure Humidify+Cool Formaldehyde PH04 is a great choice for people who are looking for a high-quality air purifier that is effective, quiet, and easy to use. The air purifier is located in Vejle and can be delivered towards Billund from Vejle. It was purchased at Power and has a new price of 5990 kr.

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