The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD
The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD

The Stars of the Rail 11: The 01 Series | Steam Locomotive Railway DVD

86,71 DKK
**** Hedehusene
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**** Hedehusene


Die berühmte deutsche schnellzug-Dampflok. Die Stars der Schiene – Folge 11: Die Baureihe 01. Eine 01 bedeutete Eleganz und Schnelligkeit, der Bekanntheitsgrad dieser Dampfloktype reichte weit über die Kreise der Eisenbahnenthusiasten hinaus.

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RioGrande DVD The Stars of the Rail 11: 01 Series Steam Locomotive

The Stars of the Rail - Episode 11: The 01 Series. This DVD features the famous German express steam locomotive, Class 01. A Class 01 signified both elegance and speed. The popularity of this steam locomotive type extended far beyond the circles of railway enthusiasts.

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