Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum
Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum
Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum
Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum
Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum
Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum
Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum

Mr Brainwash (1966) - LINE MONA LISA (Leonardo Da Vinci brainwashed) - Exclusive for LA Beverly Hills Museum





Sjældent print fra OIL ON CANVAS-serien fra Mr.Brainwash. Disse genstande er begrænset til dem, der deltager i showet og køber dem i EXIT THRU THE GIFT SHOP inde i museet. Da Vincis mest berømte maling hjernevasket. Mr.Brainwash forestiller sig den eneste og ene Monalisa med den ikoniske LINE-stil, der er blevet berømt af kunstneren. Nummerkoder på bunden minder om en fange i fængsel. Beskeden kan være forbundet med angrebet, at Monalisa originale DaVincis maling i Louvre-museet lever hver dag af besøgende og professionel selfie-mager.. malingen er inde i en skudsikker sag under særlig overvågning. En provokerende figur inden for street art, Mr. Brainwash (et pseudonym for Thierry Guetta) rekontekstualiserer billeder fra populærkultur og kunsthistorie og inkorporerer dem i sine skæve serigrafi og skulpturer. Mr. Brainwashs farverige tekster og ikonografi afspejler kunstnerens graffiti-inspirerede sensibilitet og underminerer hans originale kildemateriale. Kunstneren steg frem som hovedpersonen i den Banksy-instruerede film Exit Through the Gift Shop fra 2010. I dag sælger hans arbejde for op til sekscifret på det sekundære marked. Mr. Brainwash har også designet albumcovers til folk som Madonna og Rick Ross. Virkelig et kunstmesterværk hjernevasket af Thierry Guetta. PLADE SIGNERT + Originale stempler bagpå. Mint Tilstand Perfekt til at blive indrammet og vist på din væg. LIVET ER SKØNT!

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Mr Brainwash LINE MONA LISA Signed Print

A rare print from the OIL ON CANVAS series by Mr.Brainwash. These items were limited to those attending the show and buying them in EXIT THRU THE GIFT SHOP inside the museum. Da Vinci's most famous painting brainwashed. Mr.Brainwash imagines the one and only Monalisa with the iconic LINE style that has become famous by the artist. Number codes at the bottom resemble an inmate in jail. The message could be linked to the attack, that Monalisa's original DaVincis painting at the Louvre museum lives each day with visitors and pro selfie-makers.. the painting is inside a bullet-proof case under special surveillance. A provocative figure in street art, Mr. Brainwash (a pseudonym for Thierry Guetta) recontextualises images from popular culture and art history, incorporating them into his quirky silkscreens and sculptures. Mr. Brainwash's colourful texts and iconography reflect the artist’s graffiti-inspired sensibility, and subvert their original source material. The artist rose to fame as the protagonist of the Banksy-directed 2010 film Exit Through the Gift Shop. Today his work sells for up to six figures on the secondary market. Mr. Brainwash has also designed album covers for the likes of Madonna and Rick Ross. Truly an art masterpiece brainwashed by Thierry Guetta. PLATE SIGNED + Original stamps on the back. Mint Condition Perfect for framing and displaying on your wall. LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL!

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