Over 1000 Fantastiske Dyrefakta
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Over 1000 Fantastiske Dyrefakta
Over 1000 Fantastic Animal Facts, Miles Kelly, emne: dyr 795 Over 1000 Fantastic Animal Facts, Miles Kelly. Flot bog med glitrende ndbinding. Blød indbinding. 18 x 22,5 x 4cm. Bindet er god men brugt, indeni er den næsten som ny. 511 sider, stikordsregister. Vejer 1400g. Over 1000 Fantastic Animal Facts is lavishly illustrated throughout, providing children aged 7+ with masses of knowledge about the animal kingdom in over 1000 numbered facts. The numbering system acts as a benchmark, and as children read they can clearly chart their progress through a world of incredible animals, from deadly prehistoric monsters to species threatened with extinction today. Cartoons, quizzes, fun facts and projects are scattered throughout to actively encourage reading and learning. JEG SENDER GERNE NÅR DU KØBER FOR MINDST 30KR.