Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL
Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL
Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL
Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL
Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL
Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL
Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL

Myriam Carbonnier - MOONLIGHT XXL

53 EUR




Lærredet "Moonlight" fra kunstneren Myriam Carbonniers atelier blev skabt med akrylmaling og indisk blæk. Til dette arbejde med en måneatmosfære brugte jeg en palet af blå... Et personligt abstrakt værk inspireret af min fantasi. Et originalt og lysende maleri. Min forskning som maler er den farve, lyse og frigjorte udtryk, som abstrakt maleri tilbyder mig. Blank lak finish. Værket vil blive ledsaget af et ægthedscertifikat og leveret i et robust rør med største omhu. Myriam Carbonnier er en kunstner fra Bordeaux. Hun bevægede sig mod billedkunst og kom efterfølgende på en malerrestaureringsskole. Men hans forskning som maler går mod det abstrakte, og hans malerier er vinduer til kreativitet og frigjort udtryk. De teknikker, som kunstneren bruger, spænder fra oliemaleri, naturlige pigmenter til akrylmaleri og blandede teknikker. Adskillige udstillinger er til hans ære: Akoun listet kunstner 2024; Diplom i malerirestauratør. Kurser i Bordeaux' kunst.. Bordeaux udstilling. Cannes udstilling Flere åbninger i Bordeaux. Udstilling i Garonne-pavillonen i Bégles. Bordeaux og Cannes kunstmesser... Flere malerier er i private samlinger i Tyskland, Italien, Frankrig, Storbritannien, Spanien....

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Myriam Carbonnier Moonlight XXL Abstract Painting

The "Moonlight" canvas from artist Myriam Carbonnier's studio was created with acrylic paint and Indian ink. For this work with a lunar atmosphere, I used a palette of blues... A personal abstract work inspired by my imagination. An original and luminous painting. My research as a painter is the colour, light, and liberated expression that abstract painting offers me. Gloss finish. The work will be accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and delivered in a sturdy tube with the utmost care. Myriam Carbonnier is an artist from Bordeaux. She moved towards visual arts and subsequently attended a painting restoration school. But his research as a painter is moving towards the abstract, and his paintings are windows to creativity and liberated expression. The techniques used by the artist range from oil painting, natural pigments to acrylic painting and mixed techniques. Numerous exhibitions are in his honour: Akoun listed artist 2024; Diploma in Painting Restorer. Courses in Bordeaux's art.. Bordeaux exhibition. Cannes exhibition. Several openings in Bordeaux. Exhibition in the Garonne pavilion in Bégles. Bordeaux and Cannes art fairs... Several paintings are in private collections in Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, Spain....

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