Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631
Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631
Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631
Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631
Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631
Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631
Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631

Girolamo Mercuriale / Hippocrate - In omnes Hippocratis aphorismos prælectiones Patavinæ - 1631

62 EUR


Papir, læder


Smuk kopi af dette sjældne værk af den italienske læge og filolog Girolamo Mercuriale (1530-1606). Efter solide forstudier tog han lægekurser i Bologna. Han modtog lægekasketten på University of Padua. Da han vendte tilbage til Forlì i 1562, blev han sendt af sine medborgere for at behandle vigtige sager i Rom, ved pave Pius IV's hof, anmodet af kardinal Farnese. Under opholdet, der varede syv år, skrev han De arte gymnastica, som gav ham et stort ry i bogstavernes verden. I 1569 blev han af Republikken Venedig udnævnt til professor i medicin ved universitetet i Padua. Kejser Maximilian II bragte ham til Wien for at konsultere ham om hans helbred. Mercurial havde givet kejseren fuldstændig tilfredsstillelse, han modtog talrige gaver og blev adlet. *** MERCURIALE Girolamo, Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis, sui seculi medicorum facilè principis, i alle Hippocratis Aphorismos, praelectiones patavinae. Komplet i 1 bind i-4 (770 s.). Dekorativt granit hel kalveskindsbind fra perioden i god stand, ryg ribbet dekoreret med titelmærke, let flækkede kæber, gnidning på omslagene. Komplet og velbevaret interiør. papir gulnet af tiden. Smukt og sjældent eksemplar!

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Girolamo Mercuriale Hippocrates Aphorisms 1631

This is a beautiful copy of this rare work by the Italian physician and philologist Girolamo Mercuriale (1530-1606). After solid preparatory studies he took medical courses in Bologna. He received his medical degree at the University of Padua. Upon returning to Forlì in 1562, he was sent by his fellow citizens to Rome to treat important matters at the court of Pope Pius IV, solicited by Cardinal Farnese. During his stay, which lasted seven years, he wrote *De arte gymnastica*, which gained him considerable fame in the literary world. In 1569 he was appointed by the Republic of Venice to the chair of medicine at the University of Padua. Emperor Maximilian II brought him to Vienna to consult with him on his health. Mercurial had given the Emperor complete satisfaction, he received numerous gifts and was knighted. *MERCURIALE Girolamo, Hieronymi Mercurialis Foroliviensis, sui seculi medicorum facilè principis, in omnes Hippocratis Aphorismos, praelectiones patavinae*. Complete in 1 volume in-4 (770 pp.). Decorative period full calfskin binding in good condition, spine ribbed decorated with title label, slightly cracked jaws, rubbing on the covers. Complete and well-preserved interior. Paper browned by time. Beautiful and rare copy!

Antal: 1
Størrelse: i-4
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