Liam Sterling - Disco Skull
Liam Sterling - Disco Skull
Liam Sterling - Disco Skull
Liam Sterling - Disco Skull
Liam Sterling - Disco Skull
Liam Sterling - Disco Skull
Liam Sterling - Disco Skull

Liam Sterling - Disco Skull

31 EUR


50 x 70 cm


Kunstværk med Certificate of Authenticity (COA), stemplet og underskrevet i hånden af kunstneren på bagsiden. - Giclée print af høj kvalitet - Hahnemühle Fine Art papir, museumskvalitet billedstørrelse 50x70 cm, papirstørrelse 60x80 cm – Edition X/5 - Sendes uden ramme, sendes rullet i et rør og pakket omhyggeligt, udskiftning i tilfælde af skade på kunstværket. Liam Sterling er en tysk digital kunstner, der er blevet en mester i kommunikation, grafisk design og fotografi. Med en passion for digital kunst har Liam Sterling udforsket teknologiens grænser og udviklet en unik og personlig stil. I løbet af de sidste 10 år har Liam Sterling arbejdet utrætteligt for at skabe originale værker til privatpersoner og private samlinger i Italien, Spanien, Frankrig, Belgien, Irland, Portugal, Holland, Tyskland, USA og De Forenede Arabiske Emirater. Liam Sterlings kunst er blevet bredt anerkendt og værdsat for sin innovative brug af teknologi og dens evne til at skubbe grænserne for traditionelle kunstformer. I sine seneste kunstværker kombinerer Sterling digitalt maleri med kunstig intelligens (ai). Endnu en gang rykker han grænserne for tekniske muligheder og skaber kunstværker, der aldrig er set før. Sterling har umiskendeligt et blødt punkt for Star Wars med sine karakterer som Stormtrooper, Darth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2 og Yoda og superhelte som Batman, Spiderman, Hulk, Superman og Ironman. Det siges, at disse tegneserie- og filmværker tjener som inspiration for ham. Stroke Art Fair – Tyskland myAUDI Sphere, enkeltudstilling, München Lufthavn – Tyskland ABC Westside Gallery, München – Tyskland Affordable Art Fair, New York – USA Red Bull kunstbegivenhed, Salzburg – Østrig Light Painting World Alliance, Oviedo – Spanien Rotterdam Art Week – Holland ARTisFACTION, Pinakothek der Moderne, München – Tyskland Foto Annual Awards, Prag – Tjekkiet Guldmedalje, Trierenberg Super Circuit – Østrig Al-Thani Award, Doha – Qatar ArtMuc, München – Tyskland Itra Art Week, Dammam – Saudi-Arabien

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Liam Sterling - Disco Skull Art Print

This is a high-quality Giclée print of Liam Sterling's iconic 'Disco Skull' artwork. The print is on Hahnemühle Fine Art paper, museum quality, and measures 50x70 cm (image size), 60x80 cm (paper size). The print is an edition of X/5 and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) hand-signed by the artist. This skull, covered with mosaic mirrors, evokes a sense of vibrant energy and spectacle! Liam Sterling is a German digital artist who has become a master in communication, graphic design, and photography. Passionate about digital art, Sterling has explored the boundaries of technology, developing a unique and personal style. This high-quality print arrives unframed, rolled in a tube, and carefully packed. Liam Sterling's work has been widely recognised and appreciated for its innovative use of technology and its ability to push the boundaries of traditional art forms. In his latest art pieces, Sterling combines digital painting with artificial intelligence (AI), creating artworks that have never been seen before. Sterling undeniably has a soft spot for Star Wars characters like Stormtroopers, Darth Vader, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Yoda, and superheroes like Batman, Spiderman, Hulk, Superman, and Ironman. These comic and film works are said to serve as inspiration for him. **Liam Sterling has exhibited at the following events:** * Stroke Art Fair - Germany * MyAUDI Sphere, Solo Exhibition - Munich Airport - Germany * ABC Westside Gallery - Munich - Germany * Affordable Art Fair - New York - USA * Red Bull Art Event - Salzburg - Austria * Light Painting World Alliance - Oviedo - Spain * Rotterdam Art Week - Netherlands * ARTisFACTION, Pinakothek der Moderne - Munich - Germany * Foto Annual Awards, Prague - Czech Republic * Gold Medal - Trierenberg Super Circuit - Austria * Al-Thani Award - Doha - Qatar * ArtMuc - Munich - Germany * Itra Art Week - Dammam - Saudi Arabia Add this piece to your collection for a truly captivating decor addition to your home. Note: If the art is damaged during shipping, a replacement will be provided.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 50 x 70 cm
mål: 60 x 80 cm
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