Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978
Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978
Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978
Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978
Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978
Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978
Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978

Hiroshi Kaizuka - 1 Original colour drawing - Hot Ball Anthem - 1978

35 EUR


Papir, akvarel
25,5 x 35,8 cm
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Original splash page (i farver) af Hiroshi Kaizuka (1938-) fra mangaserien 'Hot Ball Anthem' eller Hot Ball Hymn | udgivet af Kodansha (1978-79) Medier : blyant, blæk og akvarel på robust tegnepapir Stand : Meget god stand Størrelse: 25,5 x 35,8 cm Synopsis: Johoku Pegasus gør godt vejr i Little League regionale liga, hvor de vinder back-to-back-kampe takket være Juns fremragende pitching og vejledningen fra sin far, Ikkyu Osho. Men bag Juns ekstraordinære vedholdenhed og kampgejst ligger en anden person! Tjek vores andre varer for 50+ forskellige mangaka, det største udvalg tilgængeligt uden for Japan. Kombiner dine køb for at spare på forsendelsesomkostningerne, eller vælg at afhente de varer, du har vundet, i vores galleri i Antwerpen (Belgien), der er åbent efter aftale fra den 28. september

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Hiroshi Kaizuka Original Art Hot Ball Anthem

Original colour drawing by Hiroshi Kaizuka (1938-) from the manga series 'Hot Ball Anthem' or Hot Ball Hymn, published by Kodansha (1978-79). Media: Pencil, ink and watercolour on robust drawing paper Condition: Very good condition Size: 25.5 x 35.8 cm Synopsis: The Johoku Pegasus are making good weather in the Little League regional league where they win back-to-back games thanks to Jun's outstanding pitching and the guidance of his father, Ikkyu Osho. But behind Jun's extraordinary perseverance and fighting spirit lies another person! Check out our other items for 50+ different mangaka, the largest selection available outside of Japan. Combine your purchases to save on shipping costs or choose to pick up your won items in our gallery in Antwerp (Belgium), open by appointment from 28 September.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 25,5 x 35,8 cm
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