Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie
Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie
Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie
Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie
Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie
Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie
Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie

Joaquim Falco (1958) - Mickey and Minnie

185 EUR




I denne måned udstiller kunstneren Falcó marinetemaer i flere gallerier i Barcelona, der falder sammen med den internationale sejlsportskonkurrence American Cup. 25.000€ nogle af hans malerier er blevet solgt i kunstgallerier. Kun forsendelser inden for EU. 2024 Grand Master of Art Giotto International Art Prix. Firenze. Italien 2024 Årets kunstner-pris som anerkendelse af personligt kunstnerisk og kreativt bidrag. Artexpò . Byen Cesenatico. Italien. 2023 Michelangelo International Art Prix og Star Art and Market Prix. Roma 2023 Career Art Award. Kasino Teater i Sanremo. 2023 udstillinger i: Paris, Shanghai. 2022 udstillinger i: Rom, Paris, Venezia, New York, Miami, Porto. Dette værk kommer direkte fra kunstnerens atelier, det er nyt, aldrig tidligere solgt eller udstillet på et kunstgalleri, museum eller auktion. Det har en garanti for autenticitet fra kunstneren selv, ikke kunstgalleri. I tilfælde af tab i transporten garanterer kunstneren forsendelsen af et andet lignende værk gratis. Kunstværk håndmalet med akrylmaling og andre teknikker på Falcó giclée lærred af høj kvalitet af den berømte spanske kunstner Joaquim Falcó (1958). Afsluttet med beskyttende lak. Søg "Joaquim Falcó" i Google. Du modtager et rullet værk. Håndsigneret på forsiden og bagsiden. Lærred forberedt til en indvendig træramme mellem 2 og 3 cm tyk, medfølger ikke. Uden udvendig dekorativ ramme. Maleriet sendes sammenrullet, beskyttet i et stort rør til transport af kunstværker. Tegnerens ægthedsstempel på bagsiden. Falcó har siden 1979 udstillet sine malerier i gallerier og museer rundt om i verden. Der er mere end 400 udstillinger den dag i dag. Hans værker er meget værdsat af hovedsamlerne for hans vigtige personlige bidrag til popkunsten med en personlig og kritisk stil, der har skabt en skole. Han har udstillet sine værker med vigtige kunstnere som Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso og Salvador Dalí. Han har lavet malerier til vigtige museer som Coca Cola i Atlanta, Ferrari i Italien og Absolut Vodka i Paris. Tjek, om din Catawiki-adresse og e-mailadresse er korrekte for at undgå returnering. Forsendelse tager mellem 3 og 10 dage for international transport med sporing. Toldafgifter, der ikke er inkluderet i transporten, skal køber betale toldafgifterne, når de meddeles, og når arbejdet er afsendt. Kun for lande uden for EU. Det sendes ikke til øer og oversøiske kolonier. Sicilien, Corse, et tillæg på €35 opkræves for ekstra omkostninger, tjek før køb.

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Joaquim Falcó Mickey and Minnie Artwork

This original artwork by Joaquim Falcó depicts Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse in a vibrant and colourful style. The painting is hand-painted with acrylic paint and other techniques on a high-quality Falcó giclée canvas. It is finished with a protective varnish. The work is signed on the front and back and comes with a certificate of authenticity directly from the artist. Falcó has exhibited his paintings in galleries and museums around the world since 1979. He has over 400 exhibitions to date. His works are highly valued by major collectors for his significant personal contribution to pop art with a personal and critical style that has created a school. He has exhibited his works with important artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí. He has made paintings for important museums such as Coca Cola in Atlanta, Ferrari in Italy and Absolut Vodka in Paris. This artwork comes directly from the artist's studio, it is new, never previously sold or exhibited in an art gallery, museum or auction. It has a guarantee of authenticity from the artist himself, not an art gallery. In the event of loss during transportation, the artist guarantees shipment of another similar work free of charge. The artwork is sent rolled and protected in a large tube for transporting artworks. The artist's authenticity stamp on the back. The canvas is prepared for an interior wooden frame between 2 and 3 cm thick. The artwork is shipped rolled, protected in a large tube for the transport of artworks. The artist's stamp of authenticity on the back. The canvas is prepared for an interior wooden frame between 2 and 3 cm thick. The artwork is sent rolled, protected in a large tube for transporting artworks. The artist's authenticity stamp on the back. Falcó has exhibited his paintings in galleries and museums around the world since 1979. There are over 400 exhibitions to date. His works are highly valued by major collectors for his significant personal contribution to pop art with a personal and critical style that has created a school. He has exhibited his works with important artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Pablo Picasso, and Salvador Dalí. He has made paintings for important museums such as Coca Cola in Atlanta, Ferrari in Italy, and Absolut Vodka in Paris. Please ensure your Catawiki address and email address are correct to avoid returns. Shipping takes between 3 and 10 days for international transport with tracking. Customs duties, not included in transport, must be paid by the buyer when they are notified, and when the work has been shipped. Only for countries outside the EU. It is not sent to islands and overseas colonies. Sicily, Corse, a €35 supplement is charged for additional costs, check before buying.

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