This beautiful wooden sign is the perfect gift for a special Godmother, or Patentante in German, in your life! It beautifully celebrates their role in your life as a life companion, guide, confidant, and protector, and a source of encouragement, inspiration and strength. The words on this sign, 'Patentante', 'Lebensbegleiter', 'Wegweiser', 'Vertrauensperson', 'GODMOTHER', 'Schutzengel', 'Mutmacher', 'Vorbild', 'Wertevermittler', 'Lieblingsmensch', 'UNBEZAHLBAR', Danke, dass es dich gibt!, are printed on a rustic white wood plaque in a clean and modern font. This sign would make the perfect gift to show your love and appreciation. A great present for Birthdays, Mother's Day, or Christmas!