Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen
Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen
Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen
Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen
Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen
Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen
Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen

Montegrappa - Harmony Blue Green (ISHMRRIB) - Rollerpen

120 EUR


Blå, Grøn


Den uforlignelige Harmony Collection af skriveredskaber... Hvor rige materialer, state-of-the-art teknologi og ubesværet funktion blander sig i perfekt balance. Kroppen af hver Harmony er hånddrejet for at producere den karakteristiske ottekantede form. Dets specielle harpiksmateriale fanger og trækker lyset tilbage og skaber en strålende og dramatisk farve, der minder om kuglepenne fra en svunden tid. Enkelheden af de dristige bånd og den buede rullekugleklemme forstærker Harmonys naturlige skønhed yderligere. Denne kollektion er beskåret helt i sterling sølv og repræsenterer morgendagens arvestykker. Alle Montegrappa skriveredskaber er garanteret mod enhver fabrikationsfejl i 24 måneder fra købsdatoen. Enhver del af denne pen med en mindre fabrikationsfejl opdaget af vores autoriserede kundeserviceafdeling vil blive repareret eller udskiftet under garantien. For at drage fordel af den internationale garanti skal du blot fremvise det internationale garantibevis, korrekt udfyldt af en af vores autoriserede forhandlere, komplet med stempel og dato, til et af Montegrappa-servicecentrene.

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Montegrappa Harmony Blue Green Rollerpen

The unparalleled Harmony Collection of writing instruments... Where rich materials, state-of-the-art technology and effortless function blend in perfect balance. The body of each Harmony is hand-turned to produce the characteristic octagonal shape. The special resin material catches and draws light back, creating a radiant and dramatic colour reminiscent of pens from a bygone era. The simplicity of the bold bands and the curved rollerball clip further enhance the natural beauty of Harmony. This collection is trimmed entirely in sterling silver and represents the heirlooms of tomorrow. All Montegrappa writing instruments are guaranteed against any manufacturing defect for 24 months from the date of purchase. Any part of this pen with a minor manufacturing defect discovered by our authorized customer service department will be repaired or replaced under the warranty. To take advantage of the international warranty, simply present the international warranty certificate, correctly filled out by one of our authorized dealers, complete with a stamp and date, to one of the Montegrappa service centres.

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