Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905
Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905
Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905
Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905
Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905
Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905
Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905

Prof J Wortley Axe - The Horse Its Treatment In Health And Disease [Complete Set] - 1905

64 EUR


Papir, stof
27 x 19


Hesten Dets behandling i sundhed og sygdom Med en komplet guide til avl Uddannelse og ledelse Et dejligt og bemærkelsesværdigt frisk sæt, og en ideel gave til hesteelskere. Selvom denne første udgave har form af ni hårdt indbundne bøger, er den pagineret, som om det var et trebindsværk på henholdsvis 512, 491 og 610 sider. Bøgerne er rigt illustreret hele vejen igennem med 114 plader (38 med farve, 1 foldning) + udfoldelige diagrammer + illustrationer i teksten + "Hestens hov"-model i bind 6. Den er illustreret med flere farvede overlejringer inklusive et væv. vagt med forklaring og identifikationstabel. Udgivet af The Gresham Publishing Company, London, 1905. Forlagets originale grønt dekorerede jugendstilbind, i en Talwin Morris (Talwin Morris var en produktiv bogdesigner og dekorativ kunstner, der arbejdede i slutningen af det 19. og begyndelsen af det 20. århundrede, især kendt for sin Glasgow-stil møbler, metal og bogdesign), med forgyldte bogstaver på øvre omslag og ryg. Vol 1: 20 helsides plader, 72 tekstillustrationer, 9 stamtavletabeller, 1 - 164 sider + 8 pp annoncer Vol 2: 16 helsides plader, 69 tekstillustrationer, 4 stamtavletabeller, 165 - 344 sider + 8 pp annoncer Vol 3: 12 helsides plader, 61 tekstillustrationer, 345 - 512 sider + 8 pp annoncer Vol 4: 9 helsides plader, 64 tekstillustrationer, 1 - 160 sider + 8 pp annoncer Vol 5: 8 helsides plader, 100 tekstillustrationer, 161 - 320 sider Vol 6: 9 helsides plader, 59 tekstillustrationer, 321 - 491 sider + 8 pp annoncer Vol 7: 14 helsides plader, 86 tekstillustrationer, 1 - 188 sider + 8 pp annoncer Vol. 8: 14 helsides plader, 94 tekstillustrationer, 191 - 412 sider + 8 pp annoncer Vol 9: 12 helsides plader, 47 tekstillustrationer, 413 - 610 sider inklusive indeks + 8 pp-annoncer Bogens mål: 27 x 19 9 bind, med i alt 1613 sider Pæn udgivelse, der vejer over 12 kg. Tilstand Bindene er smukt indbundet, designet og illustreret. Faste og godt indbundne kopier. Udvendige betræk i flot form, med let slid på kanter, hjørner og på hoved og hale af rygsøjler. Indvendigt er bindene i meget god stand. Ingen navne eller inskriptioner. Siderne er rene, med enkelte lette mærker på få sider. Alle sider holdes godt fast ved tagrenden. Indvendige hængsler er meget gode. Siderne er rene, tykke og sunde. Alle plader og illustrationer er i meget god stand (se venligst billeder).

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The Horse Its Treatment in Health and Disease 9 Vol Set

A beautiful and remarkable fresh set, an ideal gift for horse lovers. Although this first edition takes the form of nine hardback books, it is paginated as if it were a three-volume work of 512, 491 and 610 pages respectively. The books are richly illustrated throughout with 114 plates (38 coloured, 1 folding) + fold-out diagrams + illustrations in the text + the 'Horse's Hoof' model in Volume 6. It is illustrated with multiple coloured overlays including a cross-section diagram, with explanation and identification table. Published by The Gresham Publishing Company, London, 1905. Publisher's original green decorated art nouveau binding, in a Talwin Morris (Talwin Morris was a prolific book designer and decorative artist who worked in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly known for his Glasgow style furniture, metal and book designs), with gilt lettering on upper cover and spine. Vol 1: 20 full-page plates, 72 text illustrations, 9 pedigree tables, 1 - 164 pages + 8 pp ads. Vol 2: 16 full-page plates, 69 text illustrations, 4 pedigree tables, 165 - 344 pages + 8 pp ads. Vol 3: 12 full-page plates, 61 text illustrations, 345 - 512 pages + 8 pp ads. Vol 4: 9 full-page plates, 64 text illustrations, 1 - 160 pages + 8 pp ads. Vol 5: 8 full-page plates, 100 text illustrations, 161 - 320 pages. Vol 6: 9 full-page plates, 59 text illustrations, 321 - 491 pages + 8 pp ads. Vol 7: 14 full-page plates, 86 text illustrations, 1 - 188 pages + 8 pp ads. Vol. 8: 14 full-page plates, 94 text illustrations, 191 - 412 pages + 8 pp ads. Vol 9: 12 full-page plates, 47 text illustrations, 413 - 610 pages including index + 8 pp ads. Book measures: 27 x 19 9 volumes, a total of 1613 pages. A lovely publication which weighs over 12 kg. Condition The volumes are beautifully bound, designed and illustrated. Firm and well-bound copies. The exterior coverings in fine condition, with light wear to edges, corners and on heads and tails of spines. Internally the volumes are in very good condition. No names or inscriptions. Pages are clean with light markings on a few pages. All pages held firmly in the gutter. Inner hinges are very good. Pages are clean, thick and sound. All plates and illustrations are in very good condition (please see pics).

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 27 x 19
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