Kunst Print , Alan Pedersen, motiv:
Kunst Print , Alan Pedersen, motiv:
Kunst Print , Alan Pedersen, motiv:
Kunst Print , Alan Pedersen, motiv:
Kunst Print , Alan Pedersen, motiv:

Kunstprint "Prominent Peacock" af Alan Pedersen

2.200 DKK
2200 København N


2200 København N
Træ, Papir
Guld, Rød, Blå, Grøn, Gul, Hvid

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Kunstprint "Prominent Peacock" af Alan Pedersen

Kunst Print , Alan Pedersen, motiv: Prominent Peacock , b: 50 h: 70 Prominent Peacock af Alan Pedersen - Alantherock Prisen her på de 2200 kr er på dette specifikke udstillingstryk inklusiv træramme, som er vist på billederne. Fejler intet. Fremstillet af Alans fotografi fra Portugal, tegning og akryl maling. Hvorefter det er nøje sammensat til tryk. Flere udgaver og information kan se NOKUKO.com og bliver trykt ved bestilling. Introduction of Prominent Peacock Do you revel in the world of colours? The peacock, a magnificent creature adorned in vibrant hues, stands as a living testament to nature's artistry. Are you drawn to stories and history that envelop you like a warm embrace? Lisboa, Portugal with its kaleidoscope of colours, tales, history, and the regal presence of peacocks, inspired Alan to craft his masterpiece, "Prominent Peacock." Within this artwork lies a tale of pride and love, entwined with his personal touch, exuding joy and positivity. These stories come alive through hand-drawn objects, and acrylic paint atop the vibrant Lisboa tiles, known as Azulejos. Artist's Thoughts: Art isn't just a part of our history; it's ingrained in the tapestry of our lives and our connections with one another. The peacock, with its captivating plumage, narrates its own tale. When it unfurls its magnificent feathers, it stands tall and proud, a living canvas of colours. Even when it conceals its grandeur, the beauty remains, waiting to emerge. Lost feathers, too, have their purpose, spreading joy elsewhere. Alan leaves a part of the story untold, inviting reflection. Why are some feathers grand while others are delicate? Perhaps it mirrors the positive vibes and experiences we share and scatter throughout life. Some feathers fall to the ground, others soar, and some hover in the delicate balance between ascent and descent. Read more on NOKUKO.com

Læs mere

Et limited edition kunstprint af Alan Pedersens "Prominent Peacock" - en inspirerende sammensætning af portugisiske azulejos, tegning og akrylmaling. Trykket er i perfekt stand og inkluderer en træramme. Se flere detaljer om kunstneren og hans arbejde på NOKUKO.com.

Antal: 1
mål: 50 x 70 cm
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