Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant  (Naturfarvet)  - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)
Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant  (Naturfarvet)  - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)
Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant  (Naturfarvet)  - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)
Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant  (Naturfarvet)  - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)
Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant  (Naturfarvet)  - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)
Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant  (Naturfarvet)  - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)
Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant  (Naturfarvet)  - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)

Ingen mindstepris - 10 pcs Diamant (Naturfarvet) - 102 ct - Rund - Fancy Brunlig Grønlig Gul - I1 SI2 - International Gemological Institute (IGI)



Grøn, Gul, Brun


Ingen reservationspris! 2-3 dage Express forsendelse, sporbar og fuldt forsikret med FedEx Rapportnummer / 642455303 Udstedelsesdato / 1. september 2024 Oversigt over rapporten Beskrivelse NATURLIG DIAMANT Form og skærestil RUND GENIALT Bedømmelsesresultater Sten - Totalvægt 10 sten - 1,02 Carat Farvekvalitet FANCY GRØNLIG BRUNLIG GUL Klarhedsgrad SI 2 - I 1 Yderligere karakteroplysninger Polsk-symmetri GODT Fluorescens INGEN Disse diamanter er 100% naturlige. Du får en IGI original gemologisk rapport. Du får det fysiske originale papircertifikat. IGI er den største organisation af sin art, der driver 20 laboratoriesteder rundt om i verden, der klassificerer færdige smykker, naturlige diamanter og ædelstene - og 14 skoler for gemologi, der uddanner tusindvis af nye smykkerfagfolk hvert år. Hong Kong og USA kunder - moms er 0% *Importafgifter, afgifter og moms er ikke inkluderet i vareprisen. Moms og fortoldning betales til FedEx af kunden. * Belgiske kunder, du skal have en licens for at klare forsendelsen fra Diamond Office i Antwerpen. * Kinesiske kunder: løse diamanter kan kun sendes til Hong Kong. * Franske kunder, forsendelsesomkostninger inkluderer allerede en ekstern toldmægleragent til at importere løse diamanter til Frankrig. Hver vare har sine egne forsendelsesomkostninger. Forsendelsesomkostninger er ikke kombineret.

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IGI 10 Natural Fancy Brownish Greenish Yellow Diamonds 1.02ct

This lot of 10 natural fancy brownish greenish yellow diamonds, certified by the International Gemological Institute (IGI), are round brilliant cut with a total carat weight of 1.02. The diamonds have a colour grading of F.G.B.Y and a clarity grading of SI 2 - I 1. This parcel of natural diamonds represents an excellent investment opportunity. The diamonds are in a pristine condition and are ready for setting into jewellery or for further resale. *Please note that import duties, taxes, and VAT are not included in the price of the item. VAT and customs are payable to FedEx by the customer. We aim to despatch this lot within 2-3 business days with secure, trackable and fully insured FedEx delivery. This lot is accompanied by an original IGI gemological report and you will receive the physical original paper certificate with this purchase. The IGI is the largest organisation of its kind, operating 20 laboratory sites across the globe, grading finished jewellery, natural diamonds and gemstones - and 14 schools of gemology graduating thousands of new jewellery professionals annually. *Please note that import duties, taxes, and VAT are not included in the price of the item. VAT and customs are payable to FedEx by the customer. *Belgian customers, you need a license to clear the shipment from the Diamond Office in Antwerp. *Chinese customers: loose diamonds can only be shipped to Hong Kong. *French customers, shipping costs already include an external customs brokerage agent to import loose diamonds to France. Each item has its own shipping costs. Shipping costs are not combined.

Antal: 1