Systematic Theology, af Louis
Systematic Theology, af Louis
Systematic Theology, af Louis
Systematic Theology, af Louis
Systematic Theology, af Louis
Systematic Theology, af Louis
Systematic Theology, af Louis

Systematic Theology, af Louis

400 DKK
2650 Hvidovre


2650 Hvidovre

Description from the seller

Systematic Theology, af Louis Berkhof Helt ny. Meget grundig og anderkendt systematisk Teologi på 784 sider. Stor bog med små bogstaver. Kvalitetsudgaven fra Eerdmans. Indbundet. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Forlaget skriver: This landmark edition combines Berkhof's standard, systematic treatment of the doctrines of the Reformed faith -- his magnum opus -- with his Introduction to Systematic Theology. Written in a scholarly yet simple style, and completely outlined and indexed, the work includes a thorough bibliography, and questions for further study follow each section. A new preface by Richard A. Muller explains the relation and importance of Berkhof's prolegomena to the rest of his systematic theology. Louis Berkhof’s loyalty to the well-defined lines of the Reformed faith, his concise and compact style, and his up-to-date treatment have made this work the most important twentieth-century compendium of Reformed theology. ‘The work seemed particularly important to me’, writes the author, ‘in view of the widespread doctrinal indifference of the present day, of the resulting superficiality and confusion in the minds of many professing Christians, of the insidious errors that are zealously propagated even from the pulpits, and of the alarming increase of all kinds of sects. If there ever was a time when the church ought to guard her precious heritage, the deposit of the truth that was entrusted to her care, that time is now’. This expanded edition contains Berkhof’s Introductory Volume, which was designed to be read together with the Systematic Theology itself. Berkhof's Systematic Theology is the best currently available one-volume systematic theology. --- Jeg har flere andre Bibler, Bibelredskaber og teologiske værker incl. flere andre "Systematic Theology" til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt. Bibelen. Bibel. Bible.

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