St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517
St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517
St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517
St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517
St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517
St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517
St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517

St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Sueci - 1517

1.000 EUR


Papir, læder
29,5 x 20,5 cm


Revelationes celestes pelecte spose christi beate Birgitte vidue de regno Suecie: (...). Nürnberg, Johann Koberger, 1517. Folio (29,5 x 20,5 cm). Formentlig lidt senere læderbind med forgyldt ryg (ca. 1600-tallet). CLXXXI [=364], (101) s. Med træsnits titelblad og to næsten helsides træsnitsillustrationer. God stand alderen taget i betragtning. Bindingen er lidt slidt. Der mangler et lille stykke læder på ryggen. Omfattende gammel manuskriptanmærkning på de første slutblade. Et par anmærkninger i teksten. Noget farvning. Det er et ret sjældent værk om den hellige Birgitta af Sveriges åbenbaringer. Læs venligst billederne omhyggeligt. Forsikret forsendelse.

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St Birgitta of Sweden - Revelationes celestes

This is a rare, antique 16th Century book featuring the writings of St Birgitta of Sweden known as 'Revelationes Celestes'. The book was printed in Nuremberg, Germany by the famous printer Johann Koberger in 1517. St Bridget of Sweden was a mystic and the founder of the Order of the Brigittines, a religious order active in medieval Europe. 'Revelationes Celestes’ is the title given to her mystical revelations, spiritual insights, and visions. This beautifully illustrated book provides a glimpse into the medieval life of the saint, into the history of the early church and the role of women within it, and into the world of ancient mysticism. In addition to the stunning title page woodcuts this work includes two double-page woodcut illustrations and has many manuscript annotations throughout from the first owner. This is a piece of history and a lovely object in itself. It comes in a leather binding and is in very good condition for its age. Buy it as a collector's item or as a fascinating and important work.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 29,5 x 20,5 cm