Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper
Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper
Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper
Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper
Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper
Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper
Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper

Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 _ XXL original abstract drawing on Kraft paper

130 EUR


150 x 50 cm
Blå, Grøn, Gul, Orange


XXL enestående abstrakt kunst af Cristine Balarine på kraftpapir Størrelse på kunstværket uindrammet: 150x50 cm Foreslået ramme: Indrammet glas i henhold til konceptuelle billeder (medfølger ikke) Medium: Pastellfarver, temperastifter og Kina-tusser på kraftpapir Klar til at hænge: nej, skal sendes rullet i et rør Underskrift: verso, også underskrevet certifikat År: 2024 Finish: silkeagtig lak med UV-beskyttelse Bemærk: Der er meget små hæfteåbninger, hvor kunstværket blev hæftet til væggen under produktionen, på kanterne/hjørnerne. Disse kan nemt dækkes af rammen, da de er placeret meget tæt på stykkets yderkanter og derfor ikke vil være synlige. OM KUNSTVERKET: Denne tegning har en kombination af bevægelse, gestus og farve gennem impulsive tegneteknikker. Pastellfarver bruges til at skabe flydende, dynamiske udtryk, der minder om kunstnerens baggrund i arkitekturen i dens manifestation gennem tegning. Cristines kunst udforsker ofte temaer om transformation og den naturlige verden og blander grænserne mellem forskellige kunstneriske medier for yderligere at udforske forholdet mellem gestus og tegning. Det andet stykke vist på studiebillederne er også tilgængeligt på Catawiki, se venligst mine andre værker på auktion. OM KUNSTNEREN: Cristine Balarine er en spirende brasiliansk kunstner og arkitekt baseret mellem De Æoliske Øer, Sicilien og Abu Dhabi. Med en mastergrad i arkitektur fra Bartlett, University College London og en baggrund i florentinsk renæssancekunsthistorie søger Cristines kunstpraksis at gøre oprør fra stringens og ultrarationaliseringen af hendes arkitektoniske baggrund i hendes abstrakte kompositioner i stor skala. Ud over sin uafhængige billedkunstpraksis har Cristine været involveret som arkitekt i adskillige projekter med bæredygtighedscertificeringer, senest som site associate architect på Zayed National Museum of the UAE af Lord Norman Foster. Cristines værker er udvalgt til at blive udstillet i internationale gallerier, herunder en velgørenhedsauktion og udstilling på Sotheby's i London, London Biennale i Storbritannien, Florence Biennale i Italien og World Art Dubai i De Forenede Arabiske Emirater. Hendes passion for samarbejde har fået hende til at engagere sig med musikere og DJ's, hvor hun kombinerer billedkunst og musik i fordybende forestillinger. Hun er i øjeblikket ved at etablere et åbent atelier på de maleriske Æoliske Øer på Sicilien, hvor hun vil udstille sine soloværker fra og med vinteren.

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Cristine Balarine - The fine line where past and present meet #01 - XXL Abstract Drawing on Kraft Paper

This original abstract drawing by Cristine Balarine on kraft paper showcases a dynamic interplay of movement, gesture, and colour. The work is notable for its use of pastels, which create a smooth, fluid and dynamic expression. The artist's background in architecture is reflected in the piece, giving a unique architectural quality to the drawing. Cristine's artwork often explores themes of transformation and the natural world. She blurs the boundaries between different artistic mediums to further investigate the relationship between gesture and drawing. This piece is a stunning addition to any contemporary collection and comes in a generous XXL size measuring 150 x 50 cm. Please note that this artwork is unframed. It is recommended to frame it with a glass frame, as depicted in the conceptual images. The artwork also has tiny staples on the edges, where it was originally attached to a wall during production. These staples are hardly noticeable due to their location and can easily be covered by the frame. The artwork is also signed by Cristine Balarine. The artwork comes with a certificate of authenticity. **About the artist** Cristine Balarine is a budding Brazilian artist and architect. She is based between the Aeolian Islands, Sicily and Abu Dhabi. Holding a master's degree in Architecture from Bartlett, University College London with a background in Florentine Renaissance art history, Cristine's art practice seeks to rebel against the stringency and ultra-rationalization of her architectonic background in her large-scale abstract compositions. Besides her independent fine arts practice, Cristine has been involved as an architect in several projects with sustainability certifications. Her recent project involved being the site associate architect of the Zayed National Museum of the UAE by Lord Norman Foster. Cristine's works are selected to be exhibited in international galleries, including a charity auction & exhibition at Sotheby's in London, the London Biennale in the UK, the Florence Biennale in Italy and the World Art Dubai in the UAE. Her passion for collaboration has led her to engage with musicians & DJs, where she blends fine arts and music in immersive performances. She is currently establishing an open studio on the picturesque Aeolian Islands in Sicily where she will exhibit her solo works starting this winter.

Antal: 1
Størrelse: 150 x 50 cm
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