Diverse rock- og metal-CDer
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Diverse rock- og metal-CDer
Diverse Rock og Metal: Se beskrivelsen, metal 25kr pr styk. Sender ved køb af 2 CD’ere eller flere. Stort set alle discs er NM, men for at gøre det lidt lettere for mig selv (har mange annoncer) - så spørg endelig ind til den enkelte CD’s stand - så tjekker jeg dem igen. Ved køb af alle = 500kr CD’ere; Abnormally attracted to sin - tori Amos American doll posse — tori Amos Pantera - Far beyond driven Guns N’ Roses - use your illusion ii Alice In Chains - dirt Aerosmith - nine lives The Bloodhound Gang theBloodhoundGang - hooray for boobies - hoorayforboobies Bloodhound Gang - use your fingers Sepultura - roots Sepultra - chaos A.D. Pantera - vulgar display of power Necrophobic - spawned by evil Era 2 Ozzy Osbourne back on Earth single Creed - human clay Spinal tap - break like the wind Tool - Lateralus Staind- break the cycle Soul asylum - grave dancers union Dream Theater - awake Alter bridge - one day remains Angra - Hunters and prey Marilyn Manson - Antichrist superstar Limp Bizkit - chocolate starfish and the hotdog flavored water Evanescence - fallen Danzig - thrall demonsweatlive A perfect circle - mer de noms Resident evil music from and inspired by the original motion picture 3 doors down - the better life