SKEPA - Le regard du taureau
SKEPA - Le regard du taureau
SKEPA - Le regard du taureau
SKEPA - Le regard du taureau
SKEPA - Le regard du taureau
SKEPA - Le regard du taureau
SKEPA - Le regard du taureau

SKEPA - Le regard du taureau

200 EUR


Træ, lærred
Guld, Grøn, Brun, Hvid


- Unikt arbejde med ægthedscertifikat - Originalt arbejde på lærred og træramme med nøgle - Teknik Mixte Skepa er en fransk billedmaler og billedhugger født i 1978. Medstifter af BAFO-bevægelsen. Han dimitterede fra Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts i Lyon og begyndte sin første tilgang med at male gennem graffiti i de tidlige 90'ere påvirket af kunstnere som Basquiat, Seen, Cope2, Harring, Jonone, Condo, Banksy ... Hans møde med Jone Hopper, som han forvekslede TBS-gruppen og andre aktivister med, var et vendepunkt i hans tilgang til kunst. Med årene bliver hans maleri mere eksperimenterende, mere råt og åbner op for nye grænser. Han henter sin indflydelse fra Brauner, Appel, Picasso, Matisse, Buffet, Gauguin, Corneille, Braque og skubber sin forskning fra klassisk kunst til samtidskunst, herunder kubisme og moderne kunst. Adskillige kunstkritikere sammenligner hans billedproduktion med en UFO med flere fangarme, der harmonisk blander en organisk kubisme udsmykket med et strejf af ustruktureret figurativ, der bryder med den rensede vision om samtidskunst. Han er en af de mest aktive kunstnere på det online kunstmarked med en "svimlende" produktion på mere end 1.200 værker i alle medier. Mere information på:

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SKEPA Le regard du taureau Original Artwork

This original painting by SKEPA, titled "Le regard du taureau" (The Bull's Gaze) is a stunning example of the artist's unique style. Created using mixed media on canvas and wood frame, the artwork portrays a bull in a vibrant cubist style, showcasing SKEPA's exploration of organic cubism intertwined with a touch of abstract figuration. The artwork comes with a certificate of authenticity. SKEPA is a French painter and sculptor born in 1978. He is a co-founder of the BAFO movement. He graduated from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Lyon and started his artistic journey through graffiti in the early 90s, influenced by artists like Basquiat, Seen, Cope2, Harring, Jonone, Condo, Banksy… His encounter with Jone Hopper, who he confused with the TBS group and other activists was a turning point in his artistic approach. Over the years, his painting has become more experimental, more raw, and more open to new horizons. His work is influenced by artists such as Brauner, Appel, Picasso, Matisse, Buffet, Gauguin, Corneille, Braque, and pushes the boundaries of his research from classic art to contemporary art, including Cubism and modern art. Several art critics compare his artistic production to a UFO with multiple tentacles harmoniously blending organic cubism decorated with a touch of unstructured figuration breaking with the clean vision of contemporary art. He is one of the most active artists on the online art market with a “staggering” production of over 1,200 works in all media. More information can be found on:

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