Vintage Lolli-pop kasse
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Vintage Lolli-pop kasse
Meget sjældne gamle vintage Lolli pop kasse fra USA.( læs biografi længere nede) Kassen er i rigtig god stand. Kan afhentes i Aalborg eller sendes med DAO for 49. Har også en masse andre spændende sodavandskasser og cola kasser fra USA og ikke mindst meget stort udvalg af danske ølkasse og mineralvandskasser fra Danmark. Du er meget velkommen til at komme forbi og kigge. ?This was a short lived business in the Richmond, VA area in the mid 1970s. They had dozens of flavors. You'd pay $4.95, fill up that crate with your selections and take them home. When the bottles were all empty, you'd take them back to the Lollipop store, turn in the empties and refill your crate. The company only lasted about 3 years.?