The Great Texts of the Bible (20 bind)
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The Great Texts of the Bible (20 bind)
The Great Texts, of the Bible Edited by James Hastings. Originaludgave fra 1911. Indbundet i 20 bind. Meget sjælden i dag. Et af de mange prægtige værker der kom på den tid. Et stort tab at den aldrig blev genoptrykt. James Hastings, D.D. (1852-1922) udgav et væld af store Bibel værker. Han er altid god. Et Glimrende stand i betragtning af dets alder. Bindene er hver på omkring 450 sider. For alle der elsker Bibelen. Fra røgfrit hjem. Om forfatteren og værket: The purpose of these volumes is to direct attention to the value for the pulpit of the great texts of the Bible, and to offer a full exposition of these texts. There is, first, a short introduction to each text, bringing it into relation with its context, and giving the circumstances which led to its utterance. Its contents are, next, arranged in order, so that the leading thought or thoughts may be made prominent, and each subordinate topic may receive its proper place and value. Then comes an exposition of the contents of the text, expressed in good modern English, and illustrated throughout. Thus the preacher is not supplied with a ready-made sermon, but with materials for a sermon. And in some cases the exposition and illustration of the text will furnish materials for more sermons than one. This is what we need. “The first qualification for writing a sermon,” says Bishop Boyd Carpenter, “is that you should have something to say. For this purpose,” he adds, “a man must have material at command. It is better to realise this necessity, even though it should lead you to discover how small your stock of material is, than that you should indulge in indolent self-complacency, and should attempt to spin something out of nothing.” --- Jeg har også "The Greater Men and Women of the Bible" og "The Speaker's Bible" af James Hastings. Se mine øvrige annoncer, Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt.