Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale ,Neon XL
Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale ,Neon XL
Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale ,Neon XL
Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale ,Neon XL
Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale ,Neon XL
Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale ,Neon XL
Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale ,Neon XL

Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale, Neon XL



Paper, stof
Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Black, White

Description from the seller

Moabit - Uncle Scrooge - Bigger Scale, Neon XL

Leder du efter noget dope art? Du er kommet til det rigtige sted! Moabits unikke stil handler om at bringe de dræbende street-vibes direkte til dit rum. Kunstscenen kan næsten ikke følge med denne stigende stjerne. Disse stykker falder i gallerier med priser fra $2200 til $2500. Sov ikke på det - Moabits eksklusive store lærredskunst er din næste niveau boligindretning! Disse originale kreationer har aerosol og markør på lærred, der viser Moabits karakteristiske urbane popkunst-stil. Hvert kunstværk er unikt, angivet med 1/1-mærket på bagsiden. Moabit har opnået international anerkendelse som gadekunstner, og er blevet fremtrædende med sin dollarseddelserie. Han har været omtalt i magasiner og udstillet over hele verden, hvor han har solgt firecifret for sine unikke værker og opnået anerkendelse fra prestigefyldte gallerier. Hans eklektiske blanding afspejler dybden af hans kunstneriske vision og de utallige stilarter og medier, han udforsker. Moabits urbane popkunst-stil blander elementer af street art, popkunst og samtidskunst og inkorporerer ofte populære ikoner og kulturelle symboler for at skabe visuelt slående og tankevækkende værker. Ved at inkorporere karakterer som Ronald McDonald og onkel Joakim i sine designs søger Moabit at etablere en forbindelse med tegneseriearven og samtidig tilbyde en moderne fortolkning. Disse genkendelige kulturelle ikoner fanger ikke kun opmærksomhed, men giver også anledning til kontemplation over kunstens udvikling på tværs af generationer. Ethvert enkelt stykke solgt over 2000 EUR leveres med et stort lærredsprint efter eget valg til en værdi af 700-800 EUR. VISNINGER: Oversøisk smag Venedig — Special Team Exhibition Deltagende kunstprojekt 2019 Imagina Cafe, Venedig, Italien Art of Moabit — Privat soloudstilling Privat samler 2019 Shanghai, Kina Pandekager & Booze Art Show — Gruppeudstilling 2018 Los Angeles, Californien, U.S.A. Vivo 1 2019 Granada, Spanien Vivo 2 2020 Granada, Spanien Vivo 3 2021 Granada, Spanien UK Colab maj 2022 London, Storbritannien April 2022 - Brighton - Pop Gallery 07. december - Bordeaux GADEMUALIER: MEXICO, MAROKKO, INDIEN, PAKISTAN, SPANIEN, ITALIEN, UNGARN, USA/Los Angeles

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Looking for dope art? You’ve come to the right place! Moabit’s unique style is all about bringing the killer street vibes directly to your space. The art scene can barely keep up with this rising star. These pieces are selling for prices from $2200 - $2500 in galleries. Don’t sleep on it - Moabit’s exclusive large-scale canvas art is your next level home decor! These original creations featuring aerosol and marker on canvas showcase Moabit’s signature urban pop art style. Each artwork is unique, indicated with the 1/1 label on the back. Moabit has achieved international recognition as a street artist and has garnered acclaim for his dollar bill series. He has been featured in magazines and exhibited worldwide where he has sold his works for four-figure sums and garnered recognition from prestigious galleries. His eclectic mix reflects the depth of his artistic vision and the countless styles and mediums he explores. Moabit’s urban pop art style blends elements of street art, pop art and contemporary art, often incorporating popular icons and cultural symbols to create visually striking and thought-provoking works. By incorporating characters like Ronald McDonald and Uncle Scrooge in his designs, Moabit seeks to establish a connection to cartoon heritage and simultaneously offer a modern interpretation. These recognizable cultural icons not only grab attention, but also spark contemplation about the evolution of art across generations. Every single piece sold over 2000 EUR comes with a large canvas print of your choice worth 700-800 EUR. EXHIBITIONS: Overseas Taste Venice - Special Team Exhibition Participate in art project 2019 Imagina Cafe, Venice, Italy Art of Moabit - Private solo exhibition Private Collector 2019 Shanghai, China Pancakes & Booze Art Show - Group Exhibition 2018 Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Vivo 1 2019 Granada, Spain Vivo 2 2020 Granada, Spain Vivo 3 2021 Granada, Spain UK Colab May 2022 London, UK April 2022 - Brighton - Pop Gallery 07 December - Bordeaux STREET ART: MEXICO, MOROCCO, INDIA, PAKISTAN, SPAIN, ITALY, HUNGARY, USA/Los Angeles

Amount: 1
Size: XL
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