3 bøker sykepleie
3 bøker sykepleie
3 bøker sykepleie
3 bøker sykepleie
3 bøker sykepleie
3 bøker sykepleie

3 books Nursing - Disease and Treatment 2nd Edition, Examination in Disease 3rd Edition, Medicines and their use 3rd Edition

800 NOK
Årstad, Bergen


Årstad, Bergen
Posten, Helthjem

Description from the seller

3 bøker sykepleie

Tre bøker selges, fremstår som ny. Kjøpt for 1 år siden. Sykdom og behandling 2.utg: 800 kr Undersøkelse ved sykdom 3. utg: 500 kr Legemidler og bruken av dem 3.utg: 700 kr

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Selling 3 books on Nursing, which are in almost new condition. The books were bought 1 year ago and have not been used much.Disease and Treatment 2nd Edition: 800 krExamination in Disease 3rd Edition: 500 krMedicines and their use 3rd Edition: 700 krContact me for more information or if you want to buy one or more of the books.

Amount: 3
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