Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2
Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2
Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2
Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2
Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2
Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2
Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2

Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2 Triptych



21 x 29,5 cm
Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, White

Description from the seller

Ruben Nicholas (Kill The Sofa) - Disciples #2 Triptych

Enestående triptykonsæt med 3 små malerier af den internationale sælgende britiske kunstner Ruben Nicholas. Titel: 'Disciples #2' Dato: 2024 Medium: Oliemaling, blyant, grafit, pastel Materiale: Papir, Størrelse: Hver er 21 cm x 29,5 cm (ca. 85 cm x 40 cm som triptykon) Tilstand: Mint. Aldrig blevet indrammet. Billederne med rammer er kun som eksempler. Udgave: Unik. Håndsigneret på forsiden af kunstneren. Hvert af Kill The Sofas malerier er et originalt enkeltstående værk og er købt af respekterede kunstsamlere over hele Europa og resten af verden. Kill The Sofas popularitet vokser stadig, efterhånden som kunstneren fortsætter med at udvikle sig, og kunstnerens arbejde viser sig at være en værdifuld investering for enhver samler. Kunstnerpriserne er fortsat med at vokse årligt, og da størrelsen på malerierne også bliver ved med at stige, vil disse relativt små værker vise sig at have været en værdifuld investering. Dette er et exceptionelt og delikat lille værk af Kill The Sofa, og er et meget stærkt bearbejdet stykke på papiret. Kill The Sofa var for nylig genstand for en anmeldelse af den respekterede kunstakademiker Bob Nowalk (TheUntendedCurator). 'Ved at tage hensyn til begge sider af mønten gør Kill the Sofa's arbejde enestående'. 'Der er meget at udfolde i at se Kill the Sofas malerier, og meget at forudse'. Inklusiv ægthedsbevis. (Rammer medfølger ikke) Kunstværker vil blive sendt fladt i beskyttende emballage, sporet og forsikret post.

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Exceptional triptych set of 3 small paintings by the internationally selling British artist Ruben Nicholas. Title: 'Disciples #2'. Date: 2024. Medium: Oil paint, pencil, graphite, pastel. Material: Paper. Size: Each is 21 cm x 29,5 cm (approx. 85 cm x 40 cm as a triptych). Condition: Mint. Never framed. Pictures with frames are examples only. Edition: Unique. Hand signed on the front by the artist. Each of Kill The Sofa's paintings is an original standalone work and has been purchased by respected art collectors across Europe and the rest of the world. Kill The Sofa's popularity continues to grow as the artist continues to develop and the artist's work is proving to be a valuable investment for any collector. Artist prices have continued to grow annually and as the size of the paintings continues to grow these relatively small works will prove to have been a valuable investment. This is an exceptional and delicate small work by Kill The Sofa and is a very strongly worked piece on paper. Kill The Sofa was recently the subject of a review by respected art academic Bob Nowalk (TheUntendedCurator). 'Taking both sides of the coin into account makes Kill the Sofa's work outstanding'. 'There is much to unfold in seeing Kill the Sofa's paintings and much to anticipate'. Including a certificate of authenticity. (Frames not included) Artwork will be shipped flat in protective packaging, tracked and insured post.

Amount: 1
Size: 21 x 29,5 cm
Disciples #2
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