T P Hardisty - I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative
T P Hardisty - I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative
T P Hardisty - I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative
T P Hardisty - I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative
T P Hardisty - I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative
T P Hardisty - I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative
T P Hardisty - I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative

T P Hardisty - 'I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative'

125 EUR


Blue, Yellow

Description from the seller

T P Hardisty - 'I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative'

Fra 'Conversation Series' af den internationale kunstner T P Hardisty kommer kunstværket 'Jeg fik min tålmodighed testet i dag …. jeg er negativ' Den kommer indrammet med en glasfront (ikke vist på billederne på grund af de refleksioner, den forårsager) og er klar til at hænge. Kunstværket er betitlet, signeret, dateret og med kunstnerens stempel på bagsiden. Dette kunstværk er fra en lille serie på kun 50 Det sendes forsvarligt indpakket ud. T P Hardistys værker er blevet solgt og indsamlet rundt om i verden og er typisk lavet af hverdagsgenstande, der er samlet og arrangeret for at transformere dem til unikke kunstværker, der giver beskueren mulighed for at se forbi hverdagen ved at transformere dem til en anden virkelighed. Større værker er blevet udstillet på Art Miami, London Art Fair og på forskellige udstillinger i hele Europa.

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From the 'Conversation Series' by the international artist T P Hardisty comes the artwork 'I had my patience tested today …. I'm negative'. It is framed with a glass front (not shown in the images due to the reflections it causes) and is ready to hang. The artwork is titled, signed, dated and with the artist's stamp on the back. This artwork is from a small series of only 50. It is shipped securely packaged. T P Hardisty's works have been sold and collected around the world and are typically made from everyday objects that are collected and arranged to transform them into unique artworks that allow the viewer to look beyond the everyday by transforming them into another reality. Larger works have been exhibited at Art Miami, London Art Fair and at various exhibitions throughout Europe.

Amount: 1
Jeg fik min tålmodighed testet i dag …. jeg er negativ
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