Tintin T8 - Le Sceptre D'Ottokar (B2) - 2e édition couleur - C - 1 Album - Genoptryk - 1948
Tintin T8 - Le Sceptre D'Ottokar (B2) - 2e édition couleur - C - 1 Album - Genoptryk - 1948
Tintin T8 - Le Sceptre D'Ottokar (B2) - 2e édition couleur - C - 1 Album - Genoptryk - 1948
Tintin T8 - Le Sceptre D'Ottokar (B2) - 2e édition couleur - C - 1 Album - Genoptryk - 1948
Tintin T8 - Le Sceptre D'Ottokar (B2) - 2e édition couleur - C - 1 Album - Genoptryk - 1948
Tintin T8 - Le Sceptre D'Ottokar (B2) - 2e édition couleur - C - 1 Album - Genoptryk - 1948
Tintin T8 - Le Sceptre D'Ottokar (B2) - 2e édition couleur - C - 1 Album - Genoptryk - 1948

Tintin T8 - The Sceptre of Ottokar (B2) - 1st Edition




Description from the seller

Tintin T8 - The Sceptre of Ottokar (B2) - 1st Edition

Første genudgave af Ottokar's Scepter, B2 1948. Det første omslag er i meget god stand, det fjerde har en lille plet øverst Ryggen er i god stand. Notesbogen er i nogenlunde god stand, ingen spor læsning eller farvestoffer., det er meget støttende Dog noterer vi en lille flænge øverst vedrørende slutpapirer og titel, en lille mangel nederst på side 2, side 14 er lidt løsrevet fra notesbogen i bunden en lille flænge kl. bunden af side 47-48 BDM rating 2023-2024: 450 euro

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First reprint of Ottokar's Sceptre, B2 1948. The album is in very good condition. The first cover is in very good condition, the fourth has a small stain at the top. The spine is in good condition. The notebook is in a good condition, no signs of reading or dyes. There is a small tear at the top of the introductory pages and the title, a small defect at the bottom of page 2, page 14 is slightly detached from the notebook at the bottom and a small tear at the bottom of page 47-48.

Amount: 1
Ottokar´s Scepter
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