Bøger om fotografering, forsk,
Bøger om fotografering, forsk,
Bøger om fotografering, forsk,

6 Vintage Photography Books & Manuals

120 DKK
9560 Hadsund


9560 Hadsund

Description from the seller

6 Vintage Photography Books & Manuals

Bøger om fotografering, forsk, emne: film og foto 6 bøger om foto. samlet pris 120,- kr

A set of 6 vintage photography books and manuals. Includes titles such as 'The Book about Contaflex', 'Photography in Colour', and two editions of 'The New Photography Book' by Hans Windisch. Also two editions of 'Photography Lessons' by Bent Sehested. Ideal for photography enthusiasts or collectors of vintage photographic literature.

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