Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Mathématiques élémentaires ou des arts - 1881
Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Mathématiques élémentaires ou des arts - 1881
Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Mathématiques élémentaires ou des arts - 1881
Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Mathématiques élémentaires ou des arts - 1881
Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Mathématiques élémentaires ou des arts - 1881
Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Mathématiques élémentaires ou des arts - 1881
Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Mathématiques élémentaires ou des arts - 1881

Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie - 1881




Description from the seller

Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie - 1881

Meget sjælden første udgave af dette innovative værk af Édouard Lagout, som tilbyder en detaljeret udforskning af mekaniske principper, der kombinerer teori og praksis - Den kombinerer teoretiske forklaringer med visuelle demonstrationer, hvilket gør det nemmere for eleverne at assimilere begreber - Bogen dækker en bred vifte af emner, fra bevægelseslovene til kræfter og energi, og lægger særlig vægt på anvendelsen af matematik til at løse mekaniske problemer - Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Elementary Mathematics or Arts Assimilated by Takimetry - 1881 - xxviii+392 s Indbindingen er i god stand, bogen i fuld grøn forlagsæske, gnidning efter brug, hjørner og hætter gnidet, farvede kanter - God indvendig stand, arbejde beriget med farvede vignetter i teksten - Leveringsservice sikret inden for få dage –

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Very rare first edition of this innovative work by Édouard Lagout, offering a detailed exploration of mechanical principles, combining theory and practice. It combines theoretical explanations with visual demonstrations, making it easier for students to assimilate concepts. The book covers a wide range of topics, from the laws of motion to forces and energy, and places special emphasis on the use of mathematics to solve mechanical problems. Edouard Lagout - Takitechnie Elementary Mathematics or Arts Assimilated by Takimetry - 1881 - xxviii+392 p Binding is in good condition, book in full green publisher's case, rubbing from use, corners and caps rubbed, coloured edges - Good internal condition, work enriched with coloured vignettes in the text - Delivery service secured within a few days

Amount: 1
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