Frø Trompetkatost
Frø Trompetkatost
Frø Trompetkatost
Frø Trompetkatost

Malope Tifida Seeds - Trumpet Mallow Pink

10 DKK
4100 Ringsted


4100 Ringsted

Description from the seller

Frø Trompetkatost

Frø, Trompetkatost Malope Tifida Høj (90 - 100 cm.) sommerblomst. Den er let at dyrke, flot og holdbar i buketter. Blomsterne er dyb pink/cerise-farvede med en silke-blank overflade. Frøene sås direkte på voksestedet i april-juni. Foretrækker fuld sol. Bør vandes i tørre perioder. Blomstrer juli - september. Ca. 50 frø pr. portion. Sender gerne. Køber betaler portoen. Se også mine andre annoncer.

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Malope Tifida, commonly known as Trumpet Mallow, is a tall, attractive summer flower that grows to a height of 90 - 100 cm. It is easy to grow and the flowers are long lasting in bouquets. They have a deep pink, almost cerise hue and a silky, shiny surface. Sow seeds directly in the desired location in April - June. Malope Tifida prefers full sun and should be watered during drier periods. Flowers bloom from July - September. This pack contains approximately 50 seeds. Postage costs are payable by the buyer. Please also view my other listings.

Amount: 1
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