(Ny) Death Of A Salesman, DVD, drama
(Ny) Death Of A Salesman, DVD, drama
(Ny) Death Of A Salesman, DVD, drama

Death of a Salesman (DVD)

29 DKK
2300 København S


2300 København S

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Death of a Salesman (DVD)

(Ny) Death Of A Salesman, DVD, drama Stand: Ny i ubrudt emballage Andet Cover. Death Of A Salesman (1986) Willy Loman får sparket efter 34 år som sælger for samme firma. Han må over på provisionsløn og følger sig dybt såret og ydmyget over tingenes tilstand. Han bekymrer sig over sin økonomiske situation og må mande sig op, for at kunne se sin familie i øjnene. Hans gode ven Charlie tilbyder ham et job, men Willy er for stolt og vil klare sig selv. En dag må han dog indse, at hans livslange drøm om succes er en illusion, og han planlægger derfor at tage sit eget liv, for at familien kan få forsikringspengene. Sprog: Engelsk Undertekster: Danske

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Death of a Salesman is a 1985 American drama film directed by Volker Schlöndorff. The film is an adaptation of Arthur Miller's play of the same name, and tells the story of Willy Loman, a frustrated salesman who struggles with his financial and personal problems. The film was nominated for five Academy Awards, including Best Picture and Best Director. The film stars Dustin Hoffman and John Malkovich. This is a DVD edition of the film.

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